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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Wed. 12/31/03 07:27:36 PM

"New Year" by Moment

How burn the stars unchanging in the midnight skies,
   As on the earth the old year dies!
Like leaves before the storm, so haste our lives away;
   Eternal God, to Thee we pray.

For all Thy mercies past we lift our hearts in praise,
   Thy care that crowned our fleeting days;
Our follies and our sins, O Lord, remember not,
   Lost hours when we Thy love forgot.

From age to age Thy love endures; Thou art our God.
   Send now Thy flaming truth abroad,
That with the New Year’s dawning right may conquer wrong,
   Grief yield to joy, and tears to song!

John J. Moment (b. 1875)

Masterpieces of Religious Verse (1948), ed. James Dalton Morrison, # 271.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Wed. 12/31/03 07:27:36 PM
Categorized as Literary & Religious.


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