The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 01/05/04 06:47:58 AM
The Year of the Crazy Leftoid 2003? Heck, you ain't seen nothin' yet! The Blogosphere's Tim Blair writes in The Daily Telegraph, Sydney, Jan. 2: .... 2003 was the year of the Crazy Leftoid, of people who seriously believed they could influence global events by taking off their clothes, painting the Opera House, or hosting The 7.30 Report. The good news is, for those of us who enjoy watching these groups disintegrate, that 2004 promises total, China Syndrome-level meltdown. You thought the left went berko last year, what with the liberation of Iraq, the capture of Saddam, and the sudden friendly co-operation of Libya's Gaddafi? Just wait for this years entertainment. We've got two elections to look forward to, here and in the US (with the additional possibility of an election in Britain in 2005). George W. Bush and John Howard – those evil, life-hating monsters who somehow conspired to bring freedom to millions of oppressed, tortured Iraqis – are likely to be re-elected. Put yourself in the mindset of a typical anti-war, anti-liberty, anti-reason leftist howler monkey. These elections aren't exactly going to make you happy, are they?... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Mon. 01/05/04 06:47:58 AM |
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