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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tuesday, February 17, 2004
"Fascism at Berkeley" A report on Daniel Pipe's recent lecture at UC Berkeley: If reaction to Daniel Pipes’ lecture on Tuesday (2/10) was any indication, fascism is alive and well at UC Berkeley. Pipes was invited by the Israel Action Committee and Berkeley Hillel to speak at the college campus known for its leftist politics. But ironically, the home of ''free speech'' and ''tolerance'' has shown itself to be distinctly intolerant to those who express political views other than their own. And Daniel Pipes happens to fit that description.... So, where's the outrage from liberal professors over this assault on free speech in an academic setting? Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 02/17/04 08:54:12 PM |
Do You See a Resemblance? I do. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 02/17/04 08:46:58 PM |
John Kerry: Would-Be Non-War President Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode CXCI From the Democratic presidential candidate's debate, Feb. 15: .... GILBERT: Senator Kerry, President Bush a week ago on "Meet the Press " described himself as a war president. He said he's got war on his mind as he considers these policies and decisions he has to make. If you were elected, would you see yourself as a war president? KERRY: I'd see myself first of all as a jobs president, as a health care president, as an education president and also an environmental president. And add them all together, you can't be safe at home today unless you are also safe abroad. KERRY: So I would see myself as a very different kind of global leader than George Bush. Let me be precise. He has ignored North Korea for almost two years. I would never have cut off the negotiations of bilateral discussion with North Korea. I think he's made the world less safe because of it. He has ignored AIDS on a global basis until finally, this year, for political reasons, they're starting to move. They still haven't adopted the bill that we wrote three years which could've done something. He's ignored the cooperative threat reduction that Howard just referred to. We didn't buy up the nuclear material we could have to make the world safer. He walked away from the global warming treaty. He abandoned the work of 160 nations that worked for 10 years to try to make the world safer. He didn't continue the efforts in the Middle East with an envoy who stayed there and helped to push that process forward. I think there is an enormous agenda for us in fighting an effective war on terror. And part of it is by building a stronger intelligence organization, law enforcement, but most importantly, the war on terror is not going to be completely won until we have the greatest level of cooperation we've ever had globally. The worst thing this president does is his lack of cooperation with other countries. So I will lead in a different way, and I will not just sit there and talk about the war. I'll talk about all of the issues and provide solutions for America.... I didn't watch the debate, but I'm somehow sure that all the Primary Democrats in the audience just ate up that What War? line of thinking. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 02/17/04 08:38:06 PM |
"Kerry Says Bush Has Forgotten Real 9/11 Heroes" Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode CXC I don't suppose these unions switching from Gephardt & Dean will make "John Kerry: Our Second Choice" their campaign slogan. A Reuters story (ellipses in original). + + + + + Democratic White House front-runner John Kerry on Tuesday accused President Bush of showing up "when the bagpipes are wailing" and then forgetting America's real heroes firefighters, police and other emergency personnel. With voters going to the polls in Wisconsin's pivotal primary, the senator from Massachusetts ignored his Democratic rivals and looked ahead to a potential matchup with Bush in November, slamming the president's "creed of greed" and "extreme radical administration." Kerry, and U.S. Rep. Richard Gephardt of Missouri, former competitors for their party's presidential nomination, headlined a rally with union members who have flocked to Kerry's campaign since his winning streak began in Iowa last month. With 14 victories in the first 16 contests, Kerry is in firm command of the Democratic race to challenge Bush. Opinion polls have also showed him the prohibitive favorite in Wisconsin where he is leading nearest rival Howard Dean by double digit margins. Deriding Bush as "the worst president for jobs in this country since Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression," Kerry said the consequence was written in more than just the 75,000-plus jobs lost in Wisconsin over the past three years. "It is written ... in the countless number of victims seeing their pensions blown away because of the Enrons and WorldComs and an entire creed of greed that has been licensed by the Bush administration," he said. With several hundred union members chanting "Send Bush to Mars," Kerry said the president had failed to live up to his commitment to firefighters, police officers, emergency medical personnel and other union members who sacrificed in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. "I'm tired of these politicians who show up when the bagpipes are wailing and the flags are at half-staff and they talk about heroes in America," Kerry said. "And then when they go back to Washington, the flags are at full-staff again and the bagpipes have stopped playing, they forget." Kerry and Gephardt appeared with leaders of the Alliance for Economic Justice, a coalition of 19 unions representing 5 million workers. On Thursday, Kerry will receive the backing of the AFL-CIO, an umbrella labor organization of 64 unions with 13 million members. Gephardt, who built his campaign on strong labor support nationwide, had the backing of 20 unions before he pulled out after a disappointing fourth place finish in the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 19. Most of them have now thrown their support behind Kerry. "My name is Dick Gephardt and I am here because we've got to beat George Bush," the Missouri lawmaker declared. "I said throughout my campaign that this was not about me or any other candidate, it's about our future, it's about our jobs, it's about our education and it's time we put someone in the White House who cares about what happens to the working people of this country." Dean, the former Vermont governor who once led the Democratic race in money and momentum but has tumbled out of contention, recently lost the support of the 1.4-million member American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, or AFSCME, who switched to Kerry. With the future of his campaign hanging on the results in Wisconsin, Dean is still benefiting from the organizational muscle of the Service Employees International Union's 1.6 million members. + + + + + The Blog from the Core asserts Fair Use for non-commercial, non-profit educational purposes. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 02/17/04 06:08:35 PM |
No More Time To Waste On the lawlessness in San Francisco, Stanley Kurtz blogs at The Corner today: And again I say to conservatives, accept what is happening in San Francisco without concerted opposition and abandon hope of ever curbing activist judges or officials on any other issue. Write your representatives in support of the Federal Marriage Amendment and/or in protest of what is happening in San Francisco. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 02/17/04 05:40:49 PM |
More on Democratic Memos By Quin Hillyer at NRO today: A group of some 20 conservative activists gave two Republican senators an earful last Thursday evening, demanding that the Senate spend less time criticizing now-departed staffers and more time blasting Senate Democrats for the sleazy content of the Democratic memoranda that the departed staffers perused. But the activists came away unsatisfied.... Republican senators ought to gird up their loins. They should remember that the reason Democrats gave for blocking Estrada's nomination was that the White House would not release memos Estrada wrote while working for both Republican and Democratic solicitors general. Those memos, unlike the Senate ones in question, are legally protected from disclosure, and every living solicitor, of both parties, condemned the Democrats' request. Moreover, no Democrat alleged that the Estrada memos contained any evidence of criminal or ethical transgressions. Now, Republican staffer Miranda demands an investigation of Democratic memos that are not legally protected, and in which he says there are legally actionable transgressions. Miranda's snooping aside, why should those Democrat documents be immune from investigation by an outside, nonpartisan official, whether the Sergeant at Arms or the Justice Department? And either way, why should Republican senators refrain from criticizing the Democrats for the awful contents of the 14 memos already made public? Serious transgressions are serious transgressions, no matter how they come to light. See also Democratic Memos Need Special Prosecutor. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 02/17/04 05:34:57 PM |
Hugh Hewitt's "Kerry Files" At The Weekly Standard, Feb. 12: WITH LESS THAN 38 WEEKS until the November 2nd vote, radio hosts have got to sharpen the message. That's less than 200 broadcast days, and even with 15 segments per three hour show, that's only 3,000 opportunities to present a four- to twelve-minute segment that focuses on some aspect of John Kerry's record. As a service to my broadcast colleagues, I will prepare occasional talking point memos to fill the spaces between now and November 2, 2004. So here is Volume 1, Number 1 of the Kerry Files: .... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 02/17/04 07:31:04 AM |
Twelve More Questions for John Kerry This time, from John Hawkins at Right Wing News, Feb. 13 (embedded ellipses in original): .... However, if Kerry is going to try to tell Americans they can trust him as commander and chief based on what he did in the Vietnam era, I think he has a responsibility to answer some tough questions about his protesting days. If one is relevant, the other certainly is as well. Here are some questions I'd like to hear Kerry asked and these are just for starters... 1) Did you and Jane Fonda once speak at a protest from the back of the same truck? 2) How much money did Jane Fonda give to Vietnam Veterans Against the War while you were leading the group? 3) When was the last time you spoke to Jane Fonda? 4) How many times would you estimate that you and Jane Fonda spoke at the same anti-war rallies? 5) Did you ever march in a rally where the flags of the Viet Cong were being flown? 6) Did you ever march at a rally where Communist groups were present during the Vietnam war? 7) When Vietnam Veterans Against the War was under your leadership, did some of its members wear "pro-communist graffitti" on their uniforms while they protested? 8) It has been said that Vietnam Veterans Against the War encouraged soldiers to desert during the war. Is that true? 9) Why did you allow people to believe that you threw your medals away for so long? 10) How does it make you feel to know that the Vietnamese read prisoners clippings about your group, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, in an attempt to break their will? 11) You once said, "War crimes in Vietnam are the rule, not the exception." Do you still stand by that statement? 12) You once said, "To attempt to justify the loss of one American life in Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos by linking such loss to the preservation of freedom... is to us the height of criminal hypocrisy." Do you stand by that quote?... See also Twenty-Eight Questions for John Kerry. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 02/17/04 07:21:52 AM |
My College Alma Mater Makes FrontPage Magazine A student from Virginia, Tony Stevens, writes yesterday about one of his professors at California University of Pennsylvania, which is just a few miles up river from where I live: Everyone’s had a professor they know to be extremely liberal or conservative. Some professors simply wear their political beliefs on their sleeves without even knowing it. Usually their political views don’t make their way into the classroom. However, if it happens, it should be done in such a way that would not be construed as an attempt at the political indoctrination of the students in the class. Of course, sometimes those political biases inappropriately make their way into the classroom, as has recently occurred at my school, California University of Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. I’m a public relations student at Cal U and am attending with the ultimate goal of working in the motor sports industry after I graduate. Like other majors, there are a number of required courses for PR majors to complete in order to graduate. Included in the lineup of required courses for PR students is one called PR Cases and Problems, which I enrolled in this semester. It meets once a week on Wednesday nights with Dr. Dencil Backus.... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 02/17/04 07:15:10 AM |
Re: The 1st Annual St. Blog's Awards Best Political Blog Voting ends tomorrow at noon. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Tue. 02/17/04 07:07:08 AM |
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