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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 02/17/04 08:38:06 PM

John Kerry: Would-Be Non-War President

Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode CXCI

From the Democratic presidential candidate's debate, Feb. 15:

.... GILBERT: Senator Kerry, President Bush a week ago on "Meet the Press " described himself as a war president. He said he's got war on his mind as he considers these policies and decisions he has to make. If you were elected, would you see yourself as a war president?
KERRY: I'd see myself first of all as a jobs president, as a health care president, as an education president and also an environmental president. And add them all together, you can't be safe at home today unless you are also safe abroad.
KERRY: So I would see myself as a very different kind of global leader than George Bush. Let me be precise.
He has ignored North Korea for almost two years. I would never have cut off the negotiations of bilateral discussion with North Korea. I think he's made the world less safe because of it.
He has ignored AIDS on a global basis until finally, this year, for political reasons, they're starting to move. They still haven't adopted the bill that we wrote three years which could've done something.
He's ignored the cooperative threat reduction that Howard just referred to. We didn't buy up the nuclear material we could have to make the world safer.
He walked away from the global warming treaty. He abandoned the work of 160 nations that worked for 10 years to try to make the world safer.
He didn't continue the efforts in the Middle East with an envoy who stayed there and helped to push that process forward.
I think there is an enormous agenda for us in fighting an effective war on terror. And part of it is by building a stronger intelligence organization, law enforcement, but most importantly, the war on terror is not going to be completely won until we have the greatest level of cooperation we've ever had globally.
The worst thing this president does is his lack of cooperation with other countries.
So I will lead in a different way, and I will not just sit there and talk about the war. I'll talk about all of the issues and provide solutions for America....

I didn't watch the debate, but I'm somehow sure that all the Primary Democrats in the audience just ate up that What War? line of thinking.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 02/17/04 08:38:06 PM
Categorized as Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode & John Kerry & Political.


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