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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 03/27/04 04:12:31 PM

Blogworthies VIII

Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything.

Noteworthy entries @ Discriminations; The Curt Jester;; Vociferous Yawpings; Lead and Gold; Catholic Analysis; Oh, That Liberal Media; and GetReligion.

FREEPing Out @ Discriminations (emphasis in original):

New blogroll listee Fenster Moop posts today about a fascinating Q&A the Detroit Free Press just conducted with anti-preference leader Ward Connerly.
Moop thought the editors came across as “somewhat one-sided and hostile,” but in a comment on his post Linda Seebach (herself a member of the editorial board of a major Rocky Mountain newspaper) was more struck by “how ignorant they are.” ....

Slippery Slope Publishing Presents @ The Curt Jester:

.... King & King has reached as high as No. 38 on's list of best sellers. We at Slippery Slope Publishing are at the cusp of societal evolution, especially when it looks profitable. With the increase interest in alternative lifestyle children's books aimed at the elementary and kindergarten, we have been working overtime to give you the next big things in children's literature. After all it is only a matter of time. Slippery Slope Publishing proudly presents the "Redefining Marriage" series....

The 9/11 commission @ (embedded ellipsis in original):

Probably the only way to make this thing non-partisan and not a political cudgel to be wielded by one faction or another is to wait until George W. Bush is out of office. Right now you've got Republicans blaming Clinton and Democrats blaming Bush. The truth is that the roots of this go back at least to President Reagan and the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut. That pull-out, the pull-out after our noses were bloodied in Somalia, our refusal to even consider putting troops into Kosovo should the bombing prove unsuccessful ... all of these things gave terrorists — including Osama bin Laden — the false impression that we would be unwilling to sacrifice any treasure (read human lives) to avenge an attack.
I've been watching Richard Clarke's testimony before the committee — and he puts on a good show, if that's all you're paying attention to.
Frankly, the joke going around the blogosphere is that Clarke is a Karl Rove plant, designed to blow-up and inoculate Bush from any criticism regarding his handling of terrorism....

The Other Side of the Ambo @ Vociferous Yawpings:

Saturday evening the nerves begin. I make a deliberate effort not to think about the reading after dinner. I know it as well as I’m ever going to, and any more work will make me more nervous than I already am....

Still Neo, I Guess: The Case for War One Year Later @ Lead and Gold:

I started blogging a year ago, just before the invasion of Iraq. One of my first posts laid out what i saw as the case for the war. Looking at it today, I believe that the case remains surprisingly solid....

The Prophet Wojtyla @ Catholic Analysis (emphasis in original):

In 1960, Auxiliary Bishop Karol Wojtyla of Kraków, Poland, now John Paul II, published his book on sexual morality, Love and Responsibility (see Catholic Analysis, Mar. 19, 2004, for prior commentary on this book). In 1960, when my own parents married in a Hispanic country, they did so after a courtship which involved being chaperoned in public by my maternal grandmother. Even in the United States, in 1960, the conventional expectation was that at marriage at least the bride would be a virgin. Most people in 1960 probably could not have anticipated the collapse of sexual morality that would soon follow, a collapse that involved pulling the rug on centuries of Western consensus on the relations between men and women. In a way, the inner life, the heart, of our civilization collapsed while on the outside we enjoyed unprecedented power and affluence. The gospel image of the whited sepulchres comes to mind.
But in 1960, an auxiliary bishop and university professor in an isolated and economically backward Eastern European country captured perfectly the new paradigm of immorality that was rising in the West: the ethic of sexual utilitarianism. That ethic of sexual utilitarianism is today openly and blithely defended with a smile in internet discussions, assumed by "how-to" magazine articles targeting female readers, preached by the apostles of "safe sex," and lived out in widespread and accepted "shacking up" and in short-lived marriages. This sexual utilitarianism is celebrated in popular music so much so that, in truth, to refer to the genre of "romantic" music today is a laughable anachronism. We are in an age of sexual cynicism in which the ethos is perfectly captured by the refrain in one popular song that is a mindless staple of popular radio: "What's love got to do with it?"
The Kraków prophet analyzed this new paradigm for what it is — old-fashioned egoism: ....

The Ethics of Printing a Letter to the Editor Containing a Clearly False Assertion @ Oh, That Liberal Media (emphasis in original):

A letter in this morning's Los Angeles Times raises an issue I have discussed before: what are the ethics of a newspaper's decision to print a letter to the editor, which makes a factual assertion that the editors know (or should know) is not true?
In my opinion: the ethical principle is clear: don't print false assertions of fact, period — even if they are contained in the opinion section of the paper. The Times violated this principle this morning, printing a letter to the editor with a provably false factual assertion....

Methodist trial: "Experts on both sides of the divide agree" @ GetReligion:

In a quick glance through some of the coverage of the United Methodist trial of the Rev. Karen Dammann... I found something interesting — a newspaper bravely steering to the left of the New York Times in coverage of a moral and religious issue.
That would be the Washington Post, with a story that is — even by modern journalistic standards — starkly one-sided. There is no way to do a content analysis of the whole story, so let's look at one core issue: In terms of numbers, which side is on the upswing? Oh, and there is a related question: Who is to blame for this painful dispute?...

See also Blogworthies VII and Blogworthies IX.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 03/27/04 04:12:31 PM
Categorized as Blogworthies.


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