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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 04/17/04 05:52:39 PM

Blogworthies XI

Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything.

Noteworthy entries @ Envoy Encore; South Dakota Politics; Daschle v. Thune; I love Jet Noise; The Curt Jester; Dyspeptic Mutterings; Off the Record; Oh, That Liberal Media; Catholic Analysis; A Small Victory; Cor ad cor loquitur; and, Fenster Moop.

From the Same Homosexual Canadian Politician Who Ridiculed 9/11 comes a bill that would outlaw the Bible and Catechism in Canada. @ Envoy Encore:

I kid you not. Canadians are now on the verge of losing their religious and civil liberties. Private Member's Bill C-250 will potentially outlaw the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church in Canada as hate literature. What frightens me and other Canadian Christians is that the bill already passed our House of Commons and is on the verge of passing in the Senate as well.
Bill C-250 is a private member’s bill that enshrines “sexual orientation” in Canada’s anti-hate speech laws. It leaves the expressions “sexual orientation” and “hate speech” undefined. Yet in recent rulings upheld by Canada's human rights tribunals, simply quoting from the Bible and other religious texts can now land you massive fines with the threat of incarceration....

BOMBSHELL: Internal memo reveals Kranz collaboration with Democratic Senator @ South Dakota Politics:

This past Sunday, David Kranz, the dean of South Dakota political reporters, wrote a piece headlined "Politicos see no danger of Daschle losing clout." The piece had all of the markings of a collaborative effort between Kranz and the Daschle campaign to "deflate" the notion that Tom Dachle might not be selected to lead the Democrats should he win re-election (see DVT's thoughts on the piece). And, as night follows the day, it has been discovered today that Steve Hildebrand, Tom Daschle's campaign manager, has launched a mass fundraising e-mail citing Kranz' piece as third party "validation." Clearly, Kranz and Hildebrand think that the notion that Tom Daschle will not be re-elected to his leadership position is potentially very damaging, and that it needs to be squelched. The relevant text of Hildebrand's mass fundraising e-mail follows: ....

Kranz on Daschle @ Daschle v. Thune (emphasis in original):

As noted, there are many problems with the Kranz article about Daschle's leadership post from last Sunday. The basic problem is that Kranz says there's no threat to Daschle's leadership position. But he selectively quotes from Stuart Rothenberg and doesn't note his statement that Daschle is losing clout....

Reviewing the 9/11 Commission @ I love Jet Noise:

If the 9/11 commission has so far failed to achieve its stated purpose — to shed light on why we we failed to prevent the attack on September 11th, 2001 — it has been more successful in another regard: casting light on the motivation of the administration's accusers. The hearings showed not only the folly of trying to assign blame for preventing a surprise attack, but that the focus of the committee was more on assigning blame and scoring points than on real inquiry (which could best have been achieved in closed committee without the grandstanding). Several columnists comment: ....

Did you ever notice that ... Andy Rooney is an idiot @ The Curt Jester:

For the most part Andy Rooney's article on our soldiers in Iraq is self-fisking and drivel just not worth messing with. One part though showed just how bad he is at analyzing data and making a conclusion....

Actually, they are heroes, Mr. Rooney. @ Dyspeptic Mutterings:

I saw this yesterday, and nearly composed a profanity-laced tirade. As in paint-peeling, f-bomb heavy, hide-the-children-he's-at-it-again material.
It will remain in my head. Fortunately. Apart from the title, it's actually not the worst thing I've read on the subject.
So, instead I'll post a gentler rebuttal.
My brother Doug is a hero....

belief, unbelief, and bad faith @ Off the Record:

Last month, National Catholic Reporter contributor Chuck Colbert planted himself in a parish mass near Boston with the purpose of disrupting it by gay shock tactics. I questioned the propriety of his pretending to write as an objective reporter. To his credit, the NCR’s editor Tom Roberts takes up the issue and addresses it directly....

Los Angeles Times Ratchets Up Its Campaign of Distortion Against Justice Scalia @ Oh, That Liberal Media (emphasis in original):

Apparently, the editors at the Los Angeles Times believe that using the word "apparently" in front of a factual assertion relieves them of the responsibility to back up that assertion with evidence....

Time to Speak Out @ Catholic Analysis:

Over the weekend, various news reports made it clear that there is a split in the Catholic Church in the United States. On the one hand, there are the apparent majority of bishops who take a passive approach to protecting the Eucharist. On the other hand, there are those bishops such as Archbishop Burke of Saint Louis who take a proactive approach to protecting the Eucharist. Cardinal McCarrick of Washington, D.C., places himself in the passive camp: ....

The Gall of Rall and the Traitors of the Left @ A Small Victory:

Of course I am worried about Iraq. It's a frightening situation and it's gotten to the point where I dread turning the news on. But, this is war. And it would be frightening no matter what.
It's not the war being waged in Fallujah and Sadr City that scare me the most, though. It's the war being played out against America — by Americans....

The Problem of Authority: Luther, Calvin, & Protestantism @ Cor ad cor loquitur:

Excerpt from my upcoming book, The Catholic Verses: 95 Bible Passages That Protestants Wish Away; Chapter Five: "Bible and Tradition"; section one: "The Necessity of Authoritative Interpretation" (commentary on the biblical passages Nehemiah 8:8, Acts 8:27-31, and 2 Peter 1:20): ....

Slavery and Justice at Brown @ Fenster Moop:

I linked below to a column by Thomas Sowell critical of Brown President Ruth Simmons' University Steering Committee on Slavery and Justice (here). Though the column itself read like what it is — a syndicated opinion column — what backs up the criticism of Brown is Sowell's academic work on race and culture. Agree with him or not, but his political opinions bear the imprint of academic research to a greater extent than, say, Bob Herbert or Rush Limbaugh. Which is another way of saying: he's arguably got the chops to involve himself in a controversy involving the academy, a place notorious for assuming that if you don't have the academic credentials, you have no real standing to comment....

See also Blogworthies X and Blogworthies XII.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 04/17/04 05:52:39 PM
Categorized as Blogworthies.


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