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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 04/27/04 07:47:32 AM


John Kerry at the Abortion Rally in Washington, DC, Sunday, April 25, 2004.

John Kerry's Anti-Baby, Anti-Family, Catholic-Church-Hating (you better believe it) Supporters
Kerry's Anti-Baby, Anti-Family, Catholic-Church-Hating (you better believe it) Supporters

John Kerry Comes Before His Anti-Baby, Anti-Family, Catholic-Church-Hating (you better believe it) Supporters
John Kerry Comes Before His Anti-Baby, Anti-Family, Catholic-Church-Hating (you better believe it) Supporters

Could you dare to imagine what he would do if he were not, supposedly, "personally opposed" to abortion?

It obviously doesn't matter to his supporters that he's "personally opposed" to abortion. Why not? Because they know the claim is a subterfuge. It shouldn't matter to us, either. Why? Because we ought to know, too, that it's a subterfuge.

See also Kill-'Em-Young Rally Embraces Kerry: Throws Down Gauntlet to Church and The real story.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 04/27/04 07:47:32 AM
Categorized as John Kerry & Political & Religious.


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