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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Wed. 04/28/04 07:09:52 AM

They Really Believe This Stuff

Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode CCLXXIX

Rich Tucker looks at two WaPo articles that ought to become classic examples of the quintessence of both Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode and Core's Law of Old Media. (Ellipsis in original.)

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This week the Washington Post is taking a look at supposed "typical" Republican and Democrat voters. Yesterday, we met the typical "red state" voter. He owns six guns. Drives a Chevy pickup. Drinks beer with his buddies at Hooters. Etc. Is there a stereotype we've missed?

Today comes our "typical" liberal family. This time, all stereotypes are out the window. OK, they live in San Francisco. But that's about it.

They're not gay. They have two children — also not gay. The parents are blue collar workers. They go to church each week. They've never been divorced.

This is the "typical" liberal? To pick out just one problem with this story, the "typical" regular churchgoer is overwhelmingly likely to support conservative candidates.

This seems like a whitewash. If the paper could find a "typical" red state voter who fit all the stereotypical traits, it ought to have been able to find a "typical" blue stater who did, as well. Maybe a limousine liberal from the Upper East Side ("How could George W. Bush have been elected? Nobody I know voted for him!") Or an anti-war activist who marches for every cause that comes down the pike (there must have been at least one such liberal here in D.C. for the pro-abortion rally this past weekend...)

Just an example of a big-media disconnect that sees liberals as normal people, and conservatives as some strange species from somewhere "out there."

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Alas, Faithful Reader, Tucker doesn't seem to quite understand that it couldn't get much better than that. :-)

P.S. Here is the WaPo series:

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Wed. 04/28/04 07:09:52 AM
Categorized as Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode & Media.


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