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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 05/01/04 01:22:12 PM

Blogworthies XIII

Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything.

Noteworthy entries @ INDC Journal, Dust in the Light, Blackfive, Thrown Back, Power Line (twice), After abortion, little green footballs, Turnabout, Mere Comments, Lead and Gold, and Catholic Analysis.

INDC Science Series: Seasonal Moonbat IMF Migration, Part One @ INDC Journal:

.... Spring is in the air here in Washington, DC. The cherry blossoms have come and gone, the sun is shining, the air is thick with pollen and representatives of the IMF and World Bank are gathering, factors that all combine to form a perfect storm of seasonal moonbat migration in the downtown area of the District. As a research scientist dedicated to documenting the behaviors of the order Chiroptera, I considered this a miraculous opportunity, especially since my recent efforts to find these fascinating creatures had been met with rather disappointing results....

Useless Stereotype Comparisons @ Dust in the Light:

By now, most people who will read them have taken in the Washington Post comparison of a Red State household and a Blue State household. The parallels are, to put it mildly, problematic.
Rich Tucker, to whom Lane Core links, notes that the media elite "sees liberals as normal people, and conservatives as some strange species from somewhere 'out there'": ....

Taking Chance Home @ Blackfive:

The following is Marine Lieutenant Colonel Strobl's account of escorting the remains of Lance Corporal Chance Phelps. It's a long and beautifully written and it deserves to be read in it's entirety. It's about Valor, Honor and Respect....

Abortion Is The Foremost Issue @ Thrown Back (quoted ellipsis in original):

A number of commenters in my "More Than One Way..." post have advanced various arguments for why things like the death penalty and the war in Iraq are of equal moral weight as abortion. Some seem to think that their lack of distinction in these issues adds up to freedom to vote for pro-abortion politicians. They're wrong, and I'm going to show why. Their points ranged from the serious to the silly. I'll try to deal with the serious ones here now. I may progress to dispensing with some of the silly ones later....

Get me rewrite! Part deux @ Power Line:

Yesterday we posted two screenshots of John Kerry's DBunker showing significant editing of the DBunker post on Kerry’s medals. The phrase "he has been consistent about the facts and the symbolism of the medal-returning ceremony" was removed in between the two screenshots.
Gerry Daly of Daly Thoughts and PoliPundit of PoliPundit have forwarded us links to screenshots of the ORIGINAL Kerry DBunker post on his 1971 medals protest. Click here for the link to Daly and here for the link to PoliPundit. Don't miss this one. (Thanks to all who wrote us on this subject.) ....

Get me rewrite! @ Power Line:

A reader writes us as follows:
The linked screenshots show significant editing of the DBunker post on Kerry’s medals that was featured on Good Morning America. The phrase, “he has been consistent about the facts and the symbolism of the medal-returning ceremony” was removed in between the two screenshots enclosed. The first was taken at 9:50 am, the second at 10:26 am, as indicated on the timestamp in the filename.
Here are the two screenshots, the first taken at 9:50 a.m....

The march, 4-25-04, continued. @ After abortion:

Here goes....

Pearl 2001 @ little green footballs:

LGF reader James Croak, aka “Right Brain,” forwarded us these two emails that he sent out shortly after the September 11 atrocities; they speak for themselves....

God, man and the state today @ Turnabout:

So why are the Americans more religious than the Europeans? There have been a variety of explanations: ....

Science, Scientism, and Reality @ Mere Comments:

In a recent issue of The New York Review of Books (the issue of March 25, 2004), the physicist and writer Freeman Dyson reviewed a book exposing paranormal quackery. The book, Debunked!, by the Nobel laureate George Charpak and Henri Broch, looks like fun, if you have an interest in illusion and con artistry and to lengths some people will go to believe in anything but God....

Doctrine and Fad Surfing @ Lead and Gold:

I've lost count of the number of "change efforts" i've been involved with, participated in, and been subject to in the course of my corporate career. Most of them failed to yield the results they promised. Truth be told, some were actually harmful....

The American Catholic "Establishment" @ Catholic Analysis:

In England there has been an Anglican Establishment since the martyrdom of St. Thomas More on July 6, 1535. In that same year John Cardinal Fisher, now St. John Fisher, was also executed by Henry VIII for opposing Henry's usurpation of the pope's role as head of the Church in England. Henry VIII--the corpulent, excessive, lustful, gluttonous emblem of raw power--had his way and imposed his own view of the Church through execution and intimidation. Both More and Fisher died to defend the principle that the only earthly head of the Church was the Bishop of Rome. Surely, they would have also been willing to die defending the Church's teaching on the Eucharist. Even Henry VIII did not seek to challenge that teaching.
Today in America there is an American Catholic "Establishment" that parallels the politicization of the Church accomplished by Henry VIII. The American "Establishment" has cowed most of the bishops in the United States into silence on the issue of Catholic political brokers advancing the agenda of abortion....

See also Blogworthies XII and Blogworthies XIV.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 05/01/04 01:22:12 PM
Categorized as Blogworthies.


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