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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 05/14/04 06:53:45 AM

Homosexualist Clergy Not Dissuaded

Brownshirt appeasement.

At The Arizona Republic, May 11:

Neither Methodist policy nor Catholic defections are curbing clergy enthusiasm for the pro-gay Phoenix Declaration.
Although five Catholic priests have followed Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted's order that they remove their names, no other clergy member has withdrawn. On the contrary, the publicity surrounding the Catholic situation is resulting in additional signatures on the statement, said the Rev. David Felten, secretary of the No Longer Silent group that drafted the declaration last year.
The Rev. John Cunningham of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church, who is under investigation for celebrating Mass with a Protestant minister, was the latest Catholic priest to remove his name. Four other Catholic priests have remained on the list.
The majority of the 120 declaration signers represent denominations that cannot require clergy members to drop off, usually because the bishop or denominational leader does not possess official authority....

(Thanks, Dom.)

The profanation declaration is here with a list of signers here.

The declaration and the list of signers each contains the following example submission, simultaneously telling & hilarious: For example, "Pat McGillicuddy, Pastor, Church of What's Happening Now, Phoenix."

P.S. I see that Dom has blogged another article, saying two more priests have removed their names from the list; it also says this about the list:

.... No Longer Silent has been posting the words "name removed at request of signer in obedience to church hierarchy" in the place where the priests’ names previously had appeared on the signers list on the Web site....

That is no longer the case.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 05/14/04 06:53:45 AM
Categorized as Religious.


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