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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sun. 05/16/04 06:46:44 PM

"An Outbreak of Blindness"

Nice column by Colin McNickle at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review today:

There is nothing in words, it once was written — believe what is before your eyes. Seems we've been suffering from a spate of mass blindness as of late:
  • "Harsh CIA methods cited in top (al-) Qaida interrogations," read the headline on Thursday's lead story in The New York Times. This would be the same al-Qaida that masterminded the Sept. 11, 2001, highjackings that brought down the World Trade Center, heavily damaged the Pentagon, produced a smoking hole in a Somerset County field and left, oh, about 3,000 Americans dead. And we're worried about "harsh interrogations"? They're terrorists, you morons!...
  • Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sun. 05/16/04 06:46:44 PM
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