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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 05/22/04 01:29:10 PM

Blogworthies XVI

Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything.

Noteworthy entries @ Belmont Club, Mere Comments, Catholic Analysis, Discriminations, Mere Comments (again), Cor ad cor loquitur, Dust in the Light, Blackfive, Fenster Moop, GetReligion, Right Wing News, and The Command Post.

The Wedding Party @ Belmont Club:

It's an imaginary scene from World War 2, though it could have happened. Battalion headquarters gets a report over the phone from a front line sector. 'Armor moving to our front, 300 yards out bearing 75 degrees.' The information is plotted in grease pencil on a 1:10,000 map with an an acetate overlay. The position of the platoon reporting is known on the map. A protractor marks out the bearing and ruler paces of the distance. A symbol for enemy armor is drawn on the acetate. Ten minutes later, more details come in. 'Armor is three tanks'. A number is written in beside the enemy armor symbol. Battalion asks the platoon commander if someone can get a better look at the armor. Twenty minutes later, another update is phoned in. 'Sir, I don't know what they are doing there, but the armor is ours.' The map plot is amended, and the symbol for enemy armor is changed to reflect friendly armor.
Sixty years later a reader browsing internet news stories gets breaking news that an American helicopter has killed forty persons at a wedding. But story goes on after he closes the browser....

The War at Home @ Mere Comments:

Last night on the local news in Chicago there was (another) story about someone gunned down in an alley. This time it was two men, one about 40 and the other in his 20s. Sad to say, one gets used to such “news.” ....

The Paralysis of Fearing Risk @ Catholic Analysis:

Today, N.Y. Times columnist William Safire has a must-read column capturing the "Four Noes" of defeatists on the Iraq War, as summarized below: ....

The Brown Dog That Didn't Bark @ Discriminations:

I can't let all the "legacy of Brown" celebration / lamentation fade away without noting a point....

Steyn on the Latest @ Mere Comments:

Recommended: Mark Steyn's Massachusetts' Marriage. He is one of my favorite writers. He’s not only insightful, he writes very well, and not just well but entertainingly....

Dialogue With a Homosexual @ Cor ad cor loquitur:

Some highlights from a paper of the same name, from April 1999....

Slandering the Troops in Order to Defeat Them @ Dust in the Light:

In the presence of an embedded reporter, in March 2003, Staff Sgt. Jimmy Massey, of the 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Weapons Company, mocked an Iraqi civilian who was trying to communicate with Marines: ....

"Judge Us By Our Actions" @ Blackfive:

The following is an email from a Marine Colonel in Iraq. The Colonel discusses the effect that Abu Ghraib has had in the Middle East. You will be surprised....

The False Consciousness of the Postwar American Housewife @ Fenster Moop:

Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote, in response to calls for Rumsfeld's resignation:
"What would we think now if George Marshall had been forced out on news that 3,000 miles away George S. Patton's men had shot some Italian prisoners, or Gen. Hodges's soldiers summarily executed German commandoes out of uniform, or drivers of the Red Ball express had raped French women?"
That got me thinking about the different mindsets on the homefront in America's different wars, and reminded me of an interesting feature of my own home that may be germane to the point. Don't take this little story as browbeating, please, but do consider it as a possibly fair way of contrasting the present with the past....

Preparing for the future of the Kerry and communion story @ GetReligion:

Here are some dates to mark on the God-beat calendar. On June 17, Sen. John "What would JFK do?" Kerry is planning a fundraising event in posh Aspen, followed by several events in Denver....

If Lincoln Was Treated The Way Bush Is Today By Garnet Girl @ Right Wing News (emphasis and ellipses in original):

.... The media’s selective coverage has been outrageous (have you watched the debate between Jonah Goldberg and Howie Kurtz?). I like your take on this. It reminds me of a similarly structured editorial by William Katz that was in the NY Sun last week:
Mr. Ben-Gorelick: Good evening, President Lincoln. The Select Commission on Gettysburg thanks you for taking time out from the Civil War to appear.
Lincoln: You’re welcome, sir. I respect the commission.
Mr. Ben-Gorelick: Before I get to the blunders at Gettysburg, sir, I must ask about the speech you just gave there dedicating the cemetery. This “Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth…” Do you have the…
Lincoln: I know it....

If The Media Treated Basketball Like They Treat The War On Terror @ The Command Post (emphasis and ellipses in original):

Dan Koppel: I'm your announcer Dan Koppel here with my co-hosts Peter Brokaw and Laurie Malkin. It's late in the third quarter and the Damascus Jihadis have the LA Lakers on the ropes. It has been a dominating performance by the Jihadis...
Peter Brokaw: You said it Dan! Nothing has gone right for the Lakers tonight and coach Phil Jackson's gameplan is the likely culprit. Do you agree Dan?
Dan Koppel: Absolutely! This whole game has just been an embarrassing travesty for Laker fans...
Laurie Malkin: Guys, I hate to disagree but the Lakers are leading 108-24...
Dan Koppel: Come on Laurie, show some professionalism and stop your mindless cheerleading for the Lakers....

See also Blogworthies XV.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 05/22/04 01:29:10 PM
Categorized as Blogworthies.


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