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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 05/25/04 07:06:52 AM

Plan 9 From Outer Space?

Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode CCCIII

For your enjoyment.

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I believe President Bush and Donald Rumsfeld's thinking goes along these lines:

The American population is growing about 0.92 percent a year; 66.7 percent of that very same population is between the ages of 15 and 64 and these same people are having about 14 babies a year per 1,000. At this rate, we need to greatly reduce the male half of the population.

Without the males, females will slow down and, in some cases, stop breeding. This will move us in the direction of a more controllable number of people, mostly weak women. By sending large quantities of men to fight this war in Iraq that we've cooked up, we can eliminate many of the stronger ones.

The children who lose fathers in this war, especially the boys who won't have a father's guidance, will succumb to depression and have possible suicidal tendencies. The surviving female children will be hardened by losses and by their mothers who turn bitter and tough. We'll give these children one great thing to hold onto and strive toward, an absolute sense of patriotism; not just faith in our country, but unshakable faith in our president and other leaders since we are in fact guided by God himself.

We will make machines out of these children, willing to die for any course we decide to lay out for them. We will keep some of the weaker ones in the factories to build our weapons and machines for our continued plan of world domination.

Kathleen Anderton
Salt Lake City

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I do not think it's beyond question that the quoted letter to the editor is a hoax written by a conservative to make liberals look bad. But, who knows?

Let's put some perspective on that woman's thoughts — on the whole anti-war hysteria, for that matter — with some stats from 2002:

  • There is a death caused by a motor vehicle crash every 12 minutes; there is a disabling injury every 14 seconds.
  • Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for people ages 1 to 33.
  • The age groups most affected by motor vehicle crashes are 15-24 and 75+.
  • There were an estimated 5,700 pedestrian deaths and 80,000 injuries. Walking in the roadway accounted for only 10% of all pedestrian deaths and injuries.
  • About 3 in every 10 Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related traffic accident at some time in their lives.
  • Bicycling resulted in about 700 deaths in collisions with motor vehicles.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 05/25/04 07:06:52 AM
Categorized as Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode.


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