The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 05/29/04 12:03:55 PM
Blogworthies XVII Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything. Noteworthy entries @ The Curt Jester, Cor ad cor loquitur, Off the Record, Power Line, That Liberal Media,, The Mighty Barrister, JunkYardBlog, small dead animals, Iraq Now, Daschle v. Thune, and Dust in the Light. Spiritual Malpractice @ The Curt Jester: Earlier this week Eutychus posted something that one of his RCIA instructor said. One instructor said that the Catholic Church can be a very comfortable place for unthinking people, people who are happy to be told, 'This is Right' and 'This is wrong' and that's that. The instructor said that the church can also be a very turbulent place for people who think. This kind of crap really angers me.... A Collection of C.S. Lewis Quotations @ Cor ad cor loquitur (emphasis in original): The Apologist's Evening Prayer .... "But does it matter how I happen to be dressed...?" @ Off the Record (italics in original): Why should a priest refuse communion to a congregant who approaches him wearing a rainbow sash? Jewish men are required to cover their heads on entering a synagogue. Consider the case of a man who tries to enter a synagogue on the feast of Simhat Torah wearing a Nazi stahlhelm. Most of us would think the elders justified in refusing him entrance. Why? Because bending steel in a particular way impedes worship of God? No, because the elders understand the stahlhelm precisely as it is meant to be understood by its wearer, as an expression of contempt for Jews and Judaism. The key point is the mutually recognized intention in the wearing of a Nazi icon.... A letter from the front @ Power Line: A friend of the Marine who wrote the letter below forwarded it to us to provide another perspective on the events in the news from Iraq. The letter describes how Marines kicked their own out into a sandstorm/rainstorm in order to give shelter to three Fallujah detainees, an event we're sure is more representative of how detainees are actually treated in Iraq than the news would indicate. The Marine describes how he was initially angry, and then proud, about this situation. We're pretty sure this is one story that won't make it into the mainstream media.... Red vs. Blue -or- Nancy Pelosi's "neighbor" @ Oh, That Liberal Media: This week's Seattle Times is reprinting a recent WaPo series on America's political divide. Yesterday there was a portrait of a "Red" family allegedly the neighbors of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay in Sugar Land, TX; Today we have a portrait of a "Blue" family, purportedly neighbors of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco. Little surprise that these profiles are all but caricatures.... Fast and loose with the math @ It’s been pretty clear for a while that the mass media often throws big numbers around in news stories that are impossible to reconcile with each other, but that the average American doesn’t bother to digest and compare. Case in point.... Bishop Shocks Gays @ The Mighty Barrister: Yes, when I read the Boston Herald headline (Worcester bishop shocks gays with 'evil' statement) I wondered how long before someone likens the current public renewal of faith to the Inquisition. Yes, we're shocking gays with evil statements! No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! My second thought was: time for a good fisking. So, with a nod to SecretAgentMan (master fisker), the fisking shall begin.... John Kerry's Inspiration @ JunkYardBlog: Want further proof that the Democrats are the party of secular humanism and cloaked socialism? No? Well, you're here so you're going to get it anyway.... BellGlobe Media: The UnNews Network @ small dead animals (ellipses in original): Stephen Den Beste examines some recent examples of biased reporting by the AP. More here on "reconstructed" quotes being used by the Globe and Mail (BellGlobe), NYT, Reuters, The Guardian... To those, I add this. CTV's National News trailers of last night mentioned the Bush speech. About halfway down the newscast, they got around to footage of Bush approaching the podium... a few shots of the crowd... and then... a clip of a single sentence.... All Right You Bastards! I'm Calling You Out! @ Iraq Now: To: the editors of almost every news report I've seen who quote General Mattis saying "I don't have to apologize for the conduct of my men." As exhibit A, I present to you a verbatim transcript of the press conference in question. As exhibit B, I further note the pertinent part of the conference: .... Daschle Hypocrisy on Johnson Calling Republicans Members of the Taliban @ Daschle v. Thune: To the left is a picture of Senator Tim Johnson of South Dakota, with Senator Daschle and Stephanie Herseth behind him, railing against the "Taliban wing of the Republican Party" at a Herseth rally yesterday [Sun. May 23] in McKennan Park in Sioux Falls. His statement has generated a firestorm.... When Defeat Isn't Utter Defeat @ Dust in the Light: Supporters of same-sex marriage have been making a big deal out of defeatist columns by Max Boot and Cal Thomas. Although the opposition's ploy gives a vague sense of spuriousness, the columns are, for different reasons, worth addressing.... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Sat. 05/29/04 12:03:55 PM |
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