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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 06/05/04 12:02:56 PM

Blogworthies XVIII

Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything.

Noteworthy entries @ The Mighty Barrister, Catholic Kerry Watch, HerbEly, That Liberal Media, Catholic and Enjoying It, Catholic Analysis,, No Left Turns, The OmbudsGod, cut on the bias, Apologia, and Stryker Brigade News.

Keeping The Fires Of Racism Burning @ The Mighty Barrister:

Who preaches the politics of racial division? Who boldly goes where no facts have gone before? Why, the Democratic Party and its minions....

The Battle Rages: In the Pews and at the Ballot Box @ Catholic Kerry Watch (brackets in original):

As reported by Dan Balz and Alan Cooperman in today's Washington Post [free registation required] and by other newspapers and media across the nation and the globe:
When President Bush sits down with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican this morning, their meeting will highlight one of the most significant stories of the 2004 presidential campaign: the battle between Bush and Sen. John F. Kerry (D-MA) for the Catholic vote in America....

Workplace Spirituality @ HerbEly:

Spirituality in the workplace is a difficult topic. Many are inhibited from discussion by the cultural attitude that it is wrong to impose one’s values on another. Churches don’t help much, contends Chicago publisher Gregory F. A. Pierce. Classical Christian spiritual writings frequently portray work as a punishment and recommend avoiding entanglement in worldly affairs. While admitting the value of classical spiritual writings, he looks in vain for advice on the 90 percent of his waking hours spent on work, community and in the home....

A Little Story About the Fair People at the Los Angeles Times @ Oh, That Liberal Media:

Today I'd like to explain one of the reasons that I think the Los Angeles Times is an ideologically biased paper. To some extent, my story is a personal one. It's rather long, but I think it's worth your while. I've wanted to get this off my chest for some time....

My Massively Huge Post on Cdl George and Rod's Fisking Thereof @ Catholic and Enjoying It:

I'm in a bit of a puzzle about how to do this since the situation has changed since I posted the link. My initial idea had been to simply expand on what George said. However, given Rod's (and others) apparent remarks of rebuttal yesterday (I say "apparent" for reasons I shall elaborate hereafter), I feel obliged to take what they said into account too. I will let Rod speak for all, mostly to save time cuz I gotta get to work....

Long Overdue: A Catholic Cultural Revolution in the U.S. @ Catholic Analysis:

Recent comments by Chicago's Francis Cardinal George in Rome paint a picture of a Church locked in inevitable conflict with wider American society. Here is a telling excerpt of his remarks to the Pope....

A glimpse at history @

I'm currently reading the late, great Michael Kelly's Martyrs' Day, an account of the first Gulf War. The book is very different in style and substance from Rick Atkinson's In the Company of Soldiers (which is also an excellent book), but more of a traditional historical account of Gulf War II. Kelly's work is more like a travelogue, with sparing accounts of the greater movement of men and more focus on the people and scenes he encounters as he attempts to report on the war as an unembedded journalist....

The Memorial @ No Left Turns:

Yesterday morning my family and I had the honor of touring the World War II Memorial on its inaugural Memorial Day. As we expected, the site was crowded and its stone already adorned with faded pictures and old letters, wreaths, ribbons, and spangled flags in memoriam. But most importantly, and arguably the best reason my wife gave for taking our two young sons out in the dampening rain on opening weekend, the Memorial was decorated with the living remnant of that conflict, giving us the opportunity to thank those men personally....

It's Milbank time @ The OmbudsGod:

It was the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank who broke the news on March 17, 2003 that Vice President Cheney claimed Saddam Hussein possessed “reconstituted nuclear weapons,” when Cheney had in fact expressed the opposite view – that Saddam had no such weapons....

On Memorial Day @ cut on the bias:

I didn't sleep well last night, and woke up about 4 a.m. to a restless wind blowing outside my window. I knew we were due heavy storms, and the air seemed to echo how I felt. I went outside and sat on my porch, listening to the silence of a small town, scattered safety lights breaking the darkness and casting the shadows of pine trees across my front yard. Off to the west, bright flashes of light pulsed over the tops of the trees, getting closer. Slowly the scene brightened, almost imperceptibly, until finally the first chirping of birds heralded a deeply gray and moody dawn. Then, directly across from me, a bolt of lightning split the sky in two, barely slashing its ragged way to the ground before thunder crashed and rain hit. I went inside, and sat on the floor behind my glass storm door while the storm raked through. Splashes of water flew through the little space where the door doesn't quite meet the sill, and dampened my feet....

All Quiet @ Apologia (brackets in original):

[Started this seems like three weeks ago.]
Jeff Culbreath’s worried about me, because I’ve been so “quiet” lately. It’s touching, actually, that someone you’ve never met could actually care about you. One of the good effects of the internet, I guess. That includes his wife, by the way, even though she’s gone totally silent on me. Typical woman. But I know she cares.
I’ve gotten similar emails from others, like that special Micki person over at Summamamas.
Well, I’m fine....

Smiles From Iraq @ Stryker Brigade News:

We've put together a collection of photos from our gallery that illustrate a different side of life in Iraq that perhaps doesn't get the attention it deserves. All of the photos were taken by soldiers in the Stryker Brigade and Task Force Olympia currently operating in the Mosul region. Take a few minutes to browse the album titled Smiles From Iraq.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 06/05/04 12:02:56 PM
Categorized as Blogworthies.


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