The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 06/19/04 09:04:00 AM
Blogworthies XX Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything. Noteworthy entries @ little green footballs, Dust in the Light, cut on the bias, Flos Carmeli, JunkYardBlog, GetReligion, Belmont Club, Dei Gratia, Southern Appeal, Cor ad cor loquitur, That Liberal Media, and Dyspeptic Mutterings. No One Asked Us @ little green footballs: LGF reader “Jolly Roger” forwarded a great essay from Major Stan Coerr, who served in Iraq as liaison officer between U.S. Marines and British Army forces (among other duties).... Pedophile Checkers @ Dust in the Light: I've been intending to note Gabriel Rosenberg's response to my post that pointed out two "of the trail markers along the slippery slope that supporters of Lawrence assured us did not exist." One of those markers was a footnote in an ACLU brief that referred to teenagers' "well-established" right to make personal decisions about sex and marriage. Rosenberg quotes a sentence from the first paragraph of the footnote and writes: .... Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims @ cut on the bias: As a child, I attended church in a wooden frame building constructed in the 1940s by people in the community where I lived. When I started going there, at the age of 5, the interior walls and floor were unfinished, bare wood, the blackboard was made of real slate, and the heat came from a potbellied stove in the middle of the building. The restrooms were his and her outhouses some 40 feet away from the main building. The cemetery beside the church is where my great-grandparents and other Cornett relatives are buried. And the members were mostly people who had been born, raised, and lived their adult lives all in the same community.... My Wants and Needs @ Flos Carmeli: You may be aware that I write a scriptural meditation that is posted elsewhere Thursday of each week. As I was composing this week's meditation, a thought occurred to me. The Gospel Reading for Thursday had a particularly provocative line, "Your Father knows what you need before you ask him." It followed in thought He knows what I need better than I do myself.... The Abu Ghraib Bait and Switch @ JunkYardBlog: As I predicted weeks ago, the Abu Ghraib scandal is the one line of attack available to everyone who opposed the Iraq war the Western left, Democrat demagogues the likes of Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden, the press, and most obviously the terrorists themselves that has any chance of succeeding. And because it has a chance of succeeding, it is being pursued with untrammeled vigor. I'm sure Biden and Kennedy and their allies can see the top of the hill they're climbing now, unmindful or uncaring that their possession of that hill all but dictates that we lose the war in Iraq and on terrorism itself. That's fine with them, as long as anybody but Bush is in the White House this time next year.... The national funeral in less pastoral hands @ GetReligion: On Friday the Rt. Rev. John Bryson Chane welcomed retired Senator John Danforth as celebrant and homilist during the national funeral for Ronald Reagan. In this interview with Nan Cobbey of Episcopal Life, Chane discussed the elaborate advance preparations for the funeral. Some of Chane's fellow bishops, who have shown certain imperious tendencies in recent months, would have behaved more like this.... Blood of some, Oil of many @ Belmont Club: Recent attacks by Al Qaeda related groups in Saudi Arabia against expatriates suggest that they are trying to strike at the Saudi regime. However, some believe that groups like the Al Qaeda may have the wider goal of striking at the oil industry itself. The Singaporean authorities, for example, worry about the interdiction of tanker traffic in the Straits of Malacca.... Appropriate thoughts for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi @ Dei Gratia: The year was 1998 and I had just completed my senior year in High School. During that summer I was asked to chaperone my parish's youth group trip to Washington, D.C as I had always been involved with the youth group and knew most of the kids on the trip. During this trip to D.C. we made a visit to Arlington National Cemetery and while there we were able to visit President John F. Kennedy's grave. While there we said a quick Hail Mary for him and then continued to the tomb of the unknown soldiers to witness the changing of the guard, however we wouldn't have had time to make it so we just decided to go back to our bus.... Newdow A summary @ Southern Appeal: Here's my quick take on the pledge case sans the legal mumbo jumbo: .... John Calvin & St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Comparative Eucharistic Theology @ Cor ad cor loquitur: Reformed Protestant (or Reformed Catholic; take your pick) Kevin D. Johnson has been making the argument that these two men have a similar theology regarding the Holy Eucharist.... A Tale of Two Letters @ Oh, That Liberal Media: Bias doesn't get much clearer than this. The lead story in today's Los Angeles Times trumpets a letter, written by 26 former diplomats, calling for the defeat of President George W. Bush. On the front page, the story goes out of its way to suggest that the letter is a bipartisan effort. The editors save for the back pages (or entirely omit) significant evidence suggesting that the signatories are partisan Democrats. Not one word of the Bush perspective appears on the front page. It's all on page A26, safely out of the view of the average reader. The L.A. Times's prominent and sympathetic treatment of this letter stands in marked contrast to its coverage of a letter that was released in May by hundreds of former military men, many of whom served with John Kerry, questioning Kerry's honesty and fitness to serve as Commander-in-Chief. The letter, which was signed by every officer in Kerry's chain of command in Vietnam, was buried by the L.A. Times in stories appearing on pages A21 and A20. In the little coverage the paper did provide, the stories ignored the central accusations of the letter, and gave prominent play to the spin that the letter was a partisan hit job. Here are the details: .... Scenes from Year Four of the Fifth Five Year Plan in Saginaw. @ Dyspeptic Mutterings (brackets in original): The Revolution marches on. To paraphrase disgraced journalist Walter Duranty: "I have seen the future and it sucks." [Editorial Note: The Story date is 6/10/04, so consider yourself warned Saginaw News links die in two weeks.] This is liturgical revolution, not "reform." As in no compromises, erase the past, screw you and your families Bolshevism. You see, the benighted Latino layfolk have a false, pre-Conciliar consciousness which must be expunged as surely as the Romanovs were outside the little cottage in Ekaterinberg.... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Sat. 06/19/04 09:04:00 AM |
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