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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Friday, July 16, 2004

Save Christmas For The Christians


Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 07/16/04 08:54:11 PM
Categorized as Other.


A Seminarian's Journey

New weblog by Pittsburgh seminarian Benjamin Brown.

Vide et lege.

(Thanks, Fr. Bryce.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 07/16/04 08:43:18 PM
Categorized as Blogosphere Stuff.


Us and Them 2000

A study in contrast.

Time: August 21, 2000
Time: August 21, 2000 / Joe Lieberman & Al Gore

Time: August 7, 2000
Time: August 7, 2000 / The Bush Dynasty

The Blog from the Core asserts Fair Use for non-commercial, non-profit educational purposes.

(Thanks, "Allah".)

[Follow-up: Us and Them 2004.]

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 07/16/04 07:14:00 PM
Categorized as Media & Photos.


Restore Honesty?

Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode CCCXXXI

Here are the text & images, sans hyperlinks, of the pages here and here as of July 15, 2004. Joseph Wilson has been revealed this week to be a bold-faced & stupid liar.

+ + + + +

Restore Honesty . Com
A Letter from Joe Wilson
on John Kerry

Chat with Joe Wilson, next Wednesday, 11am
Read Joe Wilson's Chat Transcript Here
I'm not a politician and I'm not a political partisan. I've served under Presidents from both parties. My loyalty has always been to country and constitution.

The first President Bush appointed me as Ambassador to two African countries and President Clinton put me in charge of African Affairs at the National Security Council. So when this President Bush's Administration sent me to Africa to investigate claims that Saddam Hussein was seeking to buy materials for weapons of mass destruction, I was ready to serve.

But I wasn't ready to keep quiet when this President misled the nation in his State of the Union Address. Because of that, leakers in the Bush White House illegally revealed that my wife worked in the CIA - endangering her life and that of my family. They tried to intimidate me and others who were willing to speak up and tell the truth.

"...I wasn't ready to keep quiet when this President misled the nation in his State of the Union Address..."

Some people have said I was courageous to speak truth to the power of the Bush White House. But let me tell you, what I have done doesn't hold a candle to the courage that John Kerry showed as a young man and throughout his political career. I am supporting him for President because he has been willing to tell the truth no matter what the pressure. He is ready to restore truth and honor to the White House. And I hope that everyone else who is outraged by this Administration and who wants to change America will join me in doing all you can to make John Kerry our next President.

"...John Kerry...has the personal courage and integrity that I want in the leader of our great nation..."

In deciding on the best candidate to support in next year's election, I looked for qualities that are important in a President: leadership, experience and courage. There are many candidates who possess admirable traits but only one who has summoned the nerve to stand up to our government and for what's right over and over again: John Kerry.

To speak out against bad policies after a career of accomplishments, as I recently did, is a civic duty. To do so as a young person, as John Kerry did, in the face of the unremitting official hostility to end a bad war, is truly inspiring. John Kerry didn't have to go to Vietnam. He volunteered and served bravely earning a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. And when he came home as a decorated hero, he didn't have to fight the war. But John Kerry helped lead the fight to end the war, he earned the wrath of Richard Nixon and his cronies, and he won the respect of Americans for his courage.

"...I am honored to endorse John Kerry and to commit myself to his campaign to wrest our democracy back from those who have so squandered the public trust..."

Throughout his career in public service he has been ready to hold government accountable again and again. He blew the whistle on Ronald Reagan and Oliver North's secret war in Central America. He exposed Manuel Noriega's drug laundering operation. And he wrote a nationally acclaimed book on fighting global terrorism long before September 11th.

John Kerry is a decorated veteran, an experienced public servant, and a man of integrity. But most of all, he has the personal courage and integrity that I want in the leader of our great nation.

George Bush's Administration has betrayed our trust - I know that personally. I am honored to endorse John Kerry and to commit myself to his campaign to wrest our democracy back from those who have so squandered the public trust.

I hope you will join us.

- Joe Wilson

Related Links

Wilson, A Man on the Spot

Now with Bill Moyers Transcript

Iraq May See US as Latest in Line of Conquerors

Republic or Empire

Seeking honesty in U.S. policy

A 'Big Cat' With Nothing to Lose

Wilson and others see wife's 'outing' as retaliation

Meet the Press Transcript

Kerry Calls for Special Counsel in Wilson Investigation

What I Didn't Find in Africa - By Joe Wilson (The New York Times)

Bush Administration Is Focus of Inquiry

Paid for by John Kerry for President, Inc.

+ + + + +

The Blog from the Core asserts Fair Use for non-commercial, non-profit educational purposes.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 07/16/04 06:30:05 PM
Categorized as Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode.


Big Loser

Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode CCCXXX

Slim-Fast Sheds Whoopi Goldberg After Bush Riff.

+ + + + +

Comedian Whoopi Goldberg will no longer appear in ads for diet aid maker Slim-Fast following her lewd riff on President Bush's name at a fund-raiser last week, the company said on Wednesday.

Florida-based Slim-Fast said it was "disappointed" in Goldberg's remarks at last Thursday's $7.5 million star-studded fund-raiser at Radio City Music Hall in New York.

"Ads featuring Ms. Goldberg will no longer be on the air," Slim-Fast General Manager Terry Olson said in a statement, adding that the company regrets that Goldberg's remarks offended some customers.

Republicans have expressed outrage over the fund-raiser for presumptive Democratic nominee John F. Kerry and his vice presidential running mate, John Edwards, in which entertainers lined up to skewer the president.

The New York Post said of Goldberg's appearance at the event: "Waving a bottle of wine, she fired off a stream of vulgar sexual wordplays on Bush's name in a riff about female genitalia."

A spokesperson for Goldberg declined immediate comment.

Slim-Fast is a unit of Anglo-Dutch food-to-detergent group Unilever Plc.

+ + + + +

I'm A Big Loser
Reuters / Wed Jul 14, 6:05 PM ET / Comedian Whoopi Goldberg will no longer appear in ads for diet aid maker Slim-Fast following her lewd riff on President George W. Bush's name at a fund-raiser last week, the company said on July 14, 2004. Florida-based Slim-Fast said it was 'disappointed' in Goldberg's remarks at last Thursday's $7.5 million star-studded fund-raiser at Radio City Music Hall in New York. Goldberg is seen in an ad for Slim Fast's 'Big Loser' campaign in a picture released December 30. (Slim Fast Foods/Reuters)

The Blog from the Core asserts Fair Use for non-commercial, non-profit educational purposes.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 07/16/04 05:45:57 PM
Categorized as Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode.


"Terror in the Skies, Again?"

RTWT here (multi-page) or here (one page).

I have occasionally expressed my opinion that terrorists won't be trying to use airplanes anymore in the USA: been there, done that.

Looks like I may have been wrong.

See also Terror in the Skies, Again? and Terror in the Skies (continued) and Terror in the Skies III at Michelle Malkin's weblog.

P.S. And see also Terror in the Skies — Skeptics Edition.

[Follow-up: "Terror in the Skies, Again?" Part II.]

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 07/16/04 05:33:09 PM
Categorized as Social/Cultural.


"Ever Wonder Why?"

Reflections at Independence Day by Thomas Sowell.

Thanks to Margaret for calling our attention to this three-part series at TownHall. First, July 1, 2004:

.... There is a culture war going on within the United States — and in fact, within Western civilization as a whole — which may ultimately have as much to do with our survival, or failure to survive, as the war on terrorism.
There are all sorts of financial, ideological, and psychic rewards for undermining American society and its values. Unless some of us realize the existence of this culture war, and the high stakes in it, we can lose what cost those Americans before us so much to win and preserve.

Second, July 2, 2004:

.... What is wrong with America, in the eyes of the intelligentsia? The same things that are right with America in the eyes of others.
If one word rings out, and echoes around the world, when America is mentioned, that word is Freedom. But what does freedom mean?
It means that hundreds of millions of ordinary human beings live their lives as they see fit — regardless of what their betters think. That is fine, unless you see yourself as one of their betters, as so many intellectuals do....

Last, July 6, 2004:

.... Most of the people who come here, legally or illegally, undoubtedly do so just to better themselves, as immigrants have done for centuries. But people who crossed an ocean to get here came here to become Americans, not to remain foreigners, much less to become America haters.
The difference today is that organized activists and a multicultural ideology that has become dogma among educators and the media combine to keep foreigners foreign in language, culture and allegiance....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 07/16/04 07:20:07 AM
Categorized as Social/Cultural.


Notre Dame Magazine Features Homosexuality

A reader writes:

My husband's alma mater, Notre Dame, has had a switch in tone in recent issues of its quarterly publication. The most egregious is the latest issue, Summer 2004, with the cover title, "The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name." Four articles were included. One by a graduate whose son is gay, one by a non-Catholic recent graduate who is a female bi-sexual, one by a member of Courage who speaks on chastity to homosexuals, and one by a graduate who is in a committed relationship with two adopted sons. There is a brief piece about the university's attempt to make the campus welcoming to gay people (allowing an unofficial Gay-Straight Alliance group to issue orange t-shirts to students that say, "Gay? Fine by me."). As a sop to Catholic moral teaching, there was "What the Church Has to Say."
Those who don't see that part of the church is our enemy are not paying attention.

See also these.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 07/16/04 07:08:33 AM
Categorized as Religious.


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