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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Friday, July 23, 2004
Flight 93 Heroics Dennis Roddy writes 9/11 report: Flight 93 crashed as passengers stormed cockpit and Report sheds light on Flight 93 heroics at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, yesterday and today. (Thanks, Patrick.) And see the majestic beginning of this article at WaPo today: After al Qaeda set out in 1999 to deliver a devastating attack on America using hijacked airplanes, only one thing worked right in the nation's defense. According to the final report of the 9/11 commission, it wasn't the FBI, CIA, FAA or Air Force. Not the National Security Council or the Department of Defense. Not the State Department or Border Patrol. Not Congress or any president. "The institutions charged with protecting our borders, civil aviation, and national security did not understand how grave this threat could be, and did not adjust their policies, plans, and practices to deter or defeat it," the bipartisan commission unanimously declared. Only a small band of civilians, strangers to one another without benefit of staff meetings, bylaws, uniforms or task forces communicating by cell phone with loved ones who happened to be watching TV managed to figure out what was going on in time to thwart a guided-missile attack on Washington. Brave passengers aboard United Airlines Flight 93 forced hijackers to crash the plane into an empty field far short of its target....
(Thanks, Stephen.) Photos from Flight 93 Memorial 1 in Photography Archive @ The View from the Core. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 07/23/04 09:02:56 PM |
"Television's Biased Convention Coverage" A Media Reality Check from MRC, Jul 22: .... Watch for this sort of bias over the next few weeks: Republicans are the ideologues, Republicans are embroiled in controversy, and conservative policies are questionable, while Democrats are utterly uncontroversial moderates with sensible (not liberal) policies. Fret not, Faithful Reader. Remember Core's Law of Old Media: We see the Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode partly because America's liberals believe their own lying propaganda. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 07/23/04 07:32:47 PM |
Royal Walnut Moth Citheronia regalis, a.k.a. Regal Moth. My neighbor was walking by yesterday evening as I was sitting on the front porch reading. She said, "Did you see that big moth?" I hadn't. It was on the side of the (other) neighbor's garage. Apart from the occasional luna moth, this is by far the biggest moth I've ever seen, about 3 inches long, and I've never seen one before. See Regal Moth, Citheronia regalis (Fabricius), PhotographyBLOG Gallery Orange Moth, and Royal Walnut moth Shawnee State Park, Ohio. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 07/23/04 06:21:23 PM |
Viet Myths Conference Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 07/23/04 05:46:28 PM |
"Communist Party USA Supports John Kerry" Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode CCCXXXVI No big suprise here. D.P. Heimbold writes at The St. Augustine Record, Jul. 14 (quoted ellipsis in original). + + + + + The southern Democrats must be thrilled by the news that the Communist Party of The United States of America, CPUSA, is publicly supporting the election of John Kerry. The CPUSA has made available on its Web site, cpusa.org, an advertisement entitled Top Ten Reasons To Defeat Bush. This advertisement can be downloaded. The communist party urges readers to place this ad in local newspapers throughout the country to defeat President Bush. Remarkably, the "Top Ten Reasons" of the Communist party are identical to those of the Democratic party; out-sourcing, homosexual rights, abortion and the like. At first, I thought "this is only a coincidence." The Democratic party of the United States couldn't be in lock step with the Marxists! So, I wrote to a spokesman of the CPUSA in Georgia and here is part of his letter: "The CPUSA supports the John Kerry campaign with donations and volunteer effort. We believe that defeating George Bush is the single most important issue this November..." Next, I discovered that one of Kerry's campaign themes is "Let America be America Again." This slogan was borrowed from a Communist poet, Langston Hughes. This is not common knowledge to the average American. "Let America be America Again" sounds good but is a rambling, gloomy poem. Interestingly, another poem by Langston goes as follows; "Goodbye, Christ Jesus, Lord, God, Jehova, Beat it on away from here now. Make way for a new guy with no religion at all A real guy named Marx, communist, Lenin, Peasant, Stalin, Worker, ME I said, ME!" Then, if this was not enough to convince me that the Democratic party has lost it, a third discovery! A Vietnam vet group took a trip to Communist Hanoi to investigate a report that John Kerry was in the "Hanoi Hall of Fame." Yes, there is a museum in Hanoi with a section dedicated to foreign activists who help defeat the United States Military in Vietnam. Of course, you would expect Jane Fonda's picture to be there. But, alas, there is John Kerry's picture shaking the hand of a communist official. Never has there been such a tragedy. Never has there been such a threat to America. The Democratic party has been taken over by the far, far left! Not only the communists but the homosexual activists who are appalled that George Bush is married to a woman! They are enraged that the president wants a constitutional amendment to protect traditional marriage between a man and woman. Then we have the ACLU running to a federal activist judge with every piece of legislation that doesn't fit into their leftist agenda. They support every Democratic socialist whim. The removal of the Ten Commandments is their top priority! Why can't our children read? The liberal NEA runs the government schools. You can't mention God or the Ten Commandments, but you can teach Islam and have the children pray to Allah and pass out condoms. The teachers union is solidly behind the Democratic candidate, John Kerry. How about the AFL-CIO? Solidly Democratic. How about the press? Solidly behind the left. Case in point: Viacom owns CBS and Dan Rather. Dan is really the president of the American Leftist Establishment. Every night Dan informs the country what we, the troops and the president did wrong that day. His boss, Viacom, just happens to own the company that published Richard Clark's attack on George Bush and company. Clarke was the hero of the 9-11 hearing. Viacom pushed up the publication date of Clark's book to coincide with the hearings. Oh, by the way, Viacom not only owns CBS and Dan Rather, but MTV! Yes, the same MTV that featured Janet Jackson's breast at the Super Bowl half time! Hollywood? There might be one or two votes for Bush from the filmmakers. But don't count on it. Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" propaganda film hurt the president. Impressionable youth fall victim to lies. But, not to worry. Truth means nothing to the Left. The quality of character of the Hollywood crowd is best illustrated by the recent antics of the starlet Britney Spears. After her 24-hour marriage, Britney is now engaged to a loser who left his unmarried, pregnant girlfriend and little child. There was not one eyebrow raised by the Hollywood-infatuated Network News. This is normal behavior for the left. The deck is really stacked against the re-election of President Bush. Now even the mass murderer Saddam Hussein agrees with Kennedy and Kerry that the president is a criminal. Before the election in November the press will clean up Hussein to look like a saint and George W. Bush a gangster. John Kerry promises to save the union by going to the UN. Kerry may have to deal with Muslim Kofi Annan's son, Kojo, who received "consultant" fees from Swiss company, Cotecna, which oversaw Iraq's Oil-For-Food program. Some of the $10 billion that was funneled through the "family run" UN program ended up in al Taqwa and Asat Trust, two of al-Qaida's front organizations. Funny, there are al-Qaida in Florida and the UN, but not in Iraq! Alas, but who is chopping off heads in Iraq? While the bulk of our National Guard are over seas fighting terrorist, every leftist weirdo is coming out of the closet to hi-jack the November presidential election. The question is: What are the "real" southern Democrats going to do? Will they join the CPUSA, NEA, ACLU and a host of other radical leftist groups or help save the country from this mob. + + + + + The Blog from the Core asserts Fair Use for non-commercial, non-profit educational purposes. And here are the
And see Kerry Honored by Vietnamese Communists. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 07/23/04 05:29:32 PM |
"The Left's Crimes of Silence" Don your flame-retardant uniform. A scorching, blistering diatribe by Ralph Peters at FrontPage, Jul. 21: .... Reality has no weight for the ideologues who cannot live without the conviction that only the United States is ever guilty. The silence of the Left in the face of uncomfortable truths is a hallowed tradition, of course, dating back to the earliest crimes of the Soviet Union. When the reality confronting the Left contradicts the theory, the theory must be preserved at any cost. And there’s no sign of improvement, not a glimmer of the least scrap of conscience or integrity on the Left. It’s all about revenge against a democratic system that gives a blue-collar worker a vote equal to that of a university professor’s ballot, about hatred for the free market for providing better lives for the great majority while Marxism drowned in the bile of its victims.... Now, I'm not necessarily claiming cause and effect but, if you posited the end result of decades of Marxist infiltration and subversion of the worlds of American entertainment and higher education, the result you'd get would be a lot like what Peters is talking about no? (Thanks, Malcolm.) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 07/23/04 07:49:05 AM |
Sancta Sanctis Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 07/23/04 07:31:57 AM |
"We the People" An essay by Larry Kramer at the February/March issue of Boston Review (brackets in original): Who has the last word when it comes to the meaning of the Constitution? Who ultimately decides whether a state can regulate or outlaw abortion? Or whether Congress can legislate to protect the elderly or the disabled? Who decides the winner in a contested presidential election? On these and countless other matters of fundamental interest to society, the answer in recent years has been the Supreme Court. And most Americans seem willing, even happy, to leave it at that. Indeed, if recent surveys are to be believed, most think this is how our Founding Fathers meant it to be. What lawyers call "judicial supremacy" — the idea that judges decide finally and for everyone what the Constitution means — has found wide public acceptance. Other actors get to have their say, of course. The president, Congress, the states, and ordinary citizens can all express opinions about the meaning of the Constitution. But the Justices decide whether those opinions are right or wrong, and the Justices' judgments are supposed to settle matters for everyone, subject only to the practically impossible process of formal amendment. It was not always thus. On the contrary, broad acceptance of judicial supremacy is of surprisingly recent vintage, a development that really only began in the 1960s and did not come to fruition until the 1980s. Certainly the men and women of our founding generation would not have accepted — did not accept—being told that a lawyerly elite had charge of the Constitution, and they would have been incredulous if told (as we are often told today) that the main reason to worry about who becomes president is that the winner will control judicial appointments. Giving an unelected judiciary that kind of importance and deference "makes the Judiciary Department paramount in fact," James Madison mused in 1788, "which was never intended and can never be proper." The Constitution of the founding generation was a popular one: the people's charter, made by the people. And it was, in Madison's words, "the people themselves" — working through and responding to their agents in government — who "can alone declare [the Constitution's] true meaning and enforce its observance." The idea of turning this responsibility over to judges was simply unthinkable.... I am reminded, Faithful Reader, of a question I posed a couple of weeks ago about this prayer. I guess everybody took it as rhetorical, because nobody offered an answer. Have another look, and give it a try. :-) (Thanks, William.) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 07/23/04 07:14:53 AM |
Kerry's House(s) of Ketchup John Kerry Archive @ The American Mind by Sean Hackbarth. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 07/23/04 06:53:42 AM |
Poem of the Week Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 07/23/04 06:43:15 AM |
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