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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 07/17/04 08:38:11 AM

Blogworthies XXIII

Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything.

Noteworthy entries @ Captain's Quarters, JunkYardBlog,, I love Jet Noise, Sed Contra, The Mighty Barrister, open book, The Dawn Patrol, JustOneMinute, I love Jet Noise (again), That Liberal Media, GetReligion, Vigilance Matters, Flos Carmeli,, Eutychus Fell: Becoming Catholic, and Summa Contra Mundum.

Wilson Fires Back With A Water Weenie @ Captain's Quarters:

Ambassador Joseph Wilson has fired back across the funeral pyre of his reputation after the release of the SIC and Butler reports make clear that Iraq had approached Niger and that Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, pushed for Wilson's assignment despite his earlier denials....

Wilson, Plame and the Question of Why? @ JunkYardBlog:

Former Ambassador Joseph Wilson has been publicly discredited. He lied about his wife's role in his trip to Niger. He lied about what he found during that trip. He lied to reporters about the forged documents purporting to demonstrate an Iraqi attempt to procure yellowcake from Niger, when he said he had seen those documents though they had not become part of the public war debate yet and would not for another eight months after his trip....

The media is to blame @

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking with a colleague at the Union-Tribune regarding Fahrenheit 9/11 and whether or not President Bush has purposely conflated the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the Iraq war.
This guy is a talented reporter and a bright guy — and unsurprisingly — a liberal. Though he acknowledged that Bush has never actually said Saddam Hussein's Iraq was behind the 9/11 attacks, he believed that that the way Bush talked about terrorism and the way Bush talked about Iraq was intentionally designed to lead the American people to the wrong conclusion. Bush is sneaky that way.
Over the past month or so, however, I've come to the conclusion that it isn't President Bush who has been sloppy with his words, but the media and a few of his Democratic opponents....

Media, The Truth, and Blogs @ I love Jet Noise:

John Leo is all over the mainstream media on the Bremer story: ....

A Dispute Over "gay Christian" @ Sed Contra:

.... I don't disagree with describing others as they wish to be described, especially since I insist on being able to define myself as I like. However, I also don't think it's terribly honest or in the end useful to not be able to dissent on a loaded term like "gay Christian". I have a long history in the term and have in the past defined myself that way.
Rather than write a long essay on a day when I have had to meet deadline already, I will share with Sed Contra's now 13 readers a letter I wrote, years ago, to former friends and compatriots with whom I had been writing a "gay Christian" journal called Malchus. My sentiments now are pretty much what they were then, and the letter explains a bit of what I think and feel about this....

Lies, Damn Lies, and Surveys @ The Mighty Barrister (emphasis in original):

The website Catholic Online features a news story detailing the results of a "telephone survey" of people who saw the Passion. The headline — Survey: Impact of 'Passion' doesn't match viewers' enjoyment of it — grabbed my attention....

Andalusia @ open book:

I realized that I had not yet blogged about our brief side trip to Andalusia, the home of Flannery O'Connor in Milledgeville, Georgia (which is about 25 miles east of Macon)....

R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Find Out What It Means to Me @ The Dawn Patrol:

Today someone — I don't know who — searched this site for the word "respect."
I'm pretty sure I know why they did it, and I, um, respect them greatly for doing so.
It's because, in my writings about sexual morality, I write about "respect" as though it were a dirty word — and in scare quotes, no less.
I believe it was G.K. Chesterton in Orthodoxy who observed that evils usually arise from one good being raised above all others. Respect is immeasurably important in every kind of relationship. But when it is viewed as the only good — the lone requirement one needs from a person in order to engage in sex — then it leads to a barren and cynical imitation of a loving union....

I Have Three Words For Their "16 Word" Coverage @ JustOneMinute:

The NY Times splashes some ink on the newly released Butler report, but just grazes the question of greatest interest to their American readers — what about the President's State of the Union address, and the once-infamous "16 Words": ....

Perspectives @ I love Jet Noise:

As America gears up for another Presidential election peoples perspectives are becoming more apparent....

What Blogging Does For Me @ Flos Carmeli:

Not that you care, or should care, but I thought it would be nice to say some things that are complimentary of blogging as an exercise and as a discipline. Too often I hear all manner of critics of the art or craft, and there are, admittedly, some strongly negative elements in blogging. In my estimation, these negative elements are more than compensated for by the positive accomplishments that can be a part of participating in blogging....

Austin Bay Sends This Email From Iraq @

I must respond to those who "want a breather" or wish "to take time out" from the war....

Los Angeles Times Ignores Stunning Revelations of Joseph Wilson's Lies @ Oh, That Liberal Media (emphasis in original):

When is the Los Angeles Times going to tell its readers that Joseph Wilson is a liar?
Since July of last year, the Times has run numerous articles — many on its front page — that chronicled Wilson's accusations of wrongdoing by the Bush Administration. The Times told its readers that Wilson had disproved allegations that Iraq had tried to buy enriched uranium from Niger, and that the White House had ignored his warnings. The Times reported Wilson's assertion that, contrary to White House claims, his wife did not recommend him for the Niger trip.
The significance of Wilson's accusations cannot be overstated. They ignited the famous "sixteen words" controversy, relating to the truth of statements contained in President Bush's 2003 State of the Union address. Ultimately, the "Bush lied!" canard began with the seemingly revelatory allegations made by Joseph Wilson.
The problem is that all of Wilson's accusations were false, according to the bipartisan Senate intelligence committee report released Friday. But you wouldn't know this if you got all your news from the L.A. Times. So far, the Times has not mentioned these findings from the report, choosing instead to let Wilson's numerous fabrications stand unchallenged....

A short al Qaeda test for copy desks and other editors @ GetReligion:

Please pause for a moment for a short test to use with the copy desk in your newsroom (or the newsroom nearest you).
(a) What is the name that al Qaeda leaders most frequently use to describe the enemies that their movement seeks to destroy?....

Ironic Candor @ Vigilance Matters:

I love the irony over at ex-gay watch. You see, there are gay people, and there are gay people who have become straight -- so called "ex-gays", and then there are those who tried to change and either didn't or couldn't — so called ex-ex-gays. These are the watchdogs and whistle blowers who call bullspit whenever the ex-gay movement makes any noise whatsoever.
So imagine my suprise at finding a thoughtful discussion about how sexuality changes, at a site whose very premise insists that it cannot be changed — and why would you even want to?...

I was watching, yesterday, my five-year-old daughter in her first swim class. @ Eutychus Fell: Becoming Catholic:

I was watching, yesterday, my five-year-old daughter in her first swim class. She was lying on her back in the pool, the instructor was teaching her the proper movements of her legs and arms. I can see the look of concentration on my daughter's face as she floats, willing her legs to make the unusual motions, like a frog, that the teacher is asking for. It's so much easier for her to kick and dog paddle with abandon and, now and then, she reverts to this with apparent joy on her face rather than concentration. In the end, of course, she'll be the better swimmer for learning these methods and skills, but the better-swimmer-joy is far off, invisible to her, and all she sees seems to be removing the fun from the water....

The real argument for abortion rights @ Summa Contra Mundum:

I think this is it: ....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 07/17/04 08:38:11 AM
Categorized as Blogworthies.


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