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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Saturday, August 21, 2004
Blogworthies XXVIII Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything. Noteworthy entries @ Michelle Malkin, That Liberal Media, Instapundit.com, Off the Record, Dust in the Light, Dynamist Blog, The Chronicle of the Conspiracy, That Liberal Media (again), Off the Record (again), GetReligion, Redstate, Belmont Club, The Dawn Patrol, Catholic Ragemonkey, I love Jet Noise, cut on the bias, and HobbsOnline. Ambush Journalism... Or My Evening With Caveman Chris Matthews @ Michelle Malkin: Here's a peek behind the cable TV curtain. It's not pretty.... New York Times Hit Piece on the Swift Vets Finally Comes Out @ That Liberal Media (emphasis in original): Tomorrow, the New York Times will publish its expected hit piece on the Swift Boat Vets. The article accomplishes something that I would have thought impossible just two days ago. It makes the L.A. Times's coverage of the Swift Boat Vets look (almost) like responsible journalism. To be sure, the New York Times takes a page from the L.A. Times playbook: prejudice the reader against the Vets before breathing a word of their actual accusations. But the New York paper takes this strategy to a new level.... More on the Media and the Election @ Instapundit.com: In response to my post below, a journalist whose name you'd probably recognize sends this: .... A Spectacular Power Grid @ Off the Record: As noted below, Richard Sipe has voiced his conviction that the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin was untruthful in his claim to have lived chastely and has suggested his success at escaping responsibility for his homosexual lapses may provide a "clue" to a larger puzzle. To his credit, Sipe appealed for an honest appraisal of the connection between the sexual misdeeds of churchmen in powerful positions and the cover-ups personal and institutional perpetrated by men they recruited, groomed, and promoted: .... Elite Post-Modernism, Thy Posterboy McGreevey Be @ Dust in the Light: Adjusting the picture of the modern world to incorporate the value given to otherhood and orgasms, one might come to see James McGreevey as the representative of a last minute coup against egalitarian progress. The white, male lawyer turned politician, with a BA from Columbia, a law degree from Georgetown, and a master's degree from Harvard, was nothing if not ambiguous in his coming out announcement.... Dear Campaign Journalists: Please do your jobs @ Dynamist Blog (emphasis in original): I am not a political reporter. That means I don't have to listen to a candidate give the same stump speeches 50 million times and then desperately find a new angle to write about for tomorrow's paper. It means I don't have to go to crowded nominating conventions that are more usefully watched on television. And it means I don't have to spend my time tracking down sources who might be able to shed light on John Kerry's claims about his adventures in Vietnam and Cambodia. I don't have to do these things because I don't want to and because they are not my job. But there are a lot of fine journalists who do have the job of political reporting, they are not doing it when it comes to Kerry's past, and they are making our whole profession look bad.... The Times Catches Kerry in a Lie @ The Chronicle of the Conspiracy: A signature campaign issue for John Kerry is the idea that the middle class is being "squeezed." A couple months ago he concocted a "Middle-Class Misery Index" designed to show how bad things are today (and how great they were under the presidency of Democrat Jimmy Carter). And in his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, he went so far as to melodramatically warn that George Bush is squeezing so hard that "our great middle class is shrinking." That's a lie. And for proof, we'll go to the least likely source you can imagine the pages of that crusading liberal newspaper, the New York Times.... Christmas in Cambodia Story Hits the L.A. Times @ That Liberal Media (emphasis in original): The L.A. Times has finally broken its silence on the "Christmas in Cambodia" aspect of the Swift Boat Vets' story, in an article titled Veterans Battle Over the Truth. The article also contains what purports to be a comprehensive analysis of the factual basis for the allegations of the Swift Boat Vets. The article is pro-Kerry spin, pure and simple. The strategy of the article is apparent: before actually setting forth a single detail of the Swift Boat Vets' allegations, the article carefully lays the groundwork to prepare the reader to be skeptical. The article accomplishes this in multiple ways many of them misleading, and all of them prime examples of the fine art of slanted rhetoric.... "I am Joseph, your brother." @ Off the Record: Psychotherapist Richard Sipe, a frequent commentator on sexual misconduct by Catholic clergy, gave an address at a LinkUp conference last year in which he re-opened the controversy surrounding the late archbishop of Chicago.... Red churches, blue churches, smart churches, dumb churches @ Get Religion: Over the weekend, I ran into an amazing pair of articles on the Newsweek home page that really left me pondering this question: Has anyone in that newsroom ever heard of people like Martin Marty and James Davison Hunter?... John Kerry: Former Vice Chair of Intel? @ Redstate: In various press releases, including an August 6 "fact check," the Democrats have asserted that "John Kerry served on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for 6 years and is the former Vice Chairman of the Committee." Eugene Volokh questions this claim.... The Last Taboo @ Belmont Club: .... The principal damage inflicted by the War on Terror has not been to material objects or to human lives, although there have been enough of those. Compared to the tens of millions killed during World War 2 or the millions killed during the Cold War (more than 100,000 Americans in Korea and Vietnam; over a million NVA alone), the current losses have barely nudged the Satanic scale. But the damage inflicted against the fabric of civilization has been immense.... Teenwire's Graphic Porn Connection @ The Dawn Patrol: WARNING: In order to demonstrate the extent of Teenwire's porn connection, this entry includes graphics from Teenwire and related sites, some of which contain indecent language. While I don't believe the graphics are offensive within the context of this report, if you are concerned about keeping your computer work-safe, I recommend you clear your browser's cache and read this at home.... Collateral @ Catholic Ragemonkey: I mentioned in my first post, that I went to see the movie Collateral this week on my day off, and that one line from the movie has caused me to do a bit of reflection. Roger Ebert certainly has a better review than I could write, and I refer you to his review (I guess I need to consult with tech-monkey Dave or Fr. Tharp as to how to put a link in a blog; I am new to blogging) which I agree with completely. A brief summary, without giving away any surprises, is that Max is a cabbie who picks up Vincent, a guy who has 5 business stops to make. Sadly Vincent's business is killing people (read on and you will see that Vincent might disagree with that description of what he does). The movie is very strong in character development, and Jamie Foxx, who plays Max the Cabbie, gets bonus points in my book for I never knew he could really act. Tom Cruise, who plays Vincent, does a good job too (it was more difficult to type that than you know), except he has cheesy make-up to make him look like he could grow "5 o'clock shadow" and to give him grey hair. I am not sure why the director wanted Vincent to look older, it actually does not fit in with other aspects of Vincent's history (sorry, you got to see the movie to see why I think that), but the more I ponder it, I think it was make Vincent look like a fake person (fake hair and beard will do that), which would be a further sign of the director's depth of vision and commentary.... Kerry's War Record @ I love Jet Noise: It is an interesting exercise to juxtapose John Kerry's statements about his war record with the facts. There are several persistent myths that an educated voter might want to examine more closely: .... The McGreevey spin @ cut on the bias: Let the spins begin.... Iraq in Pictures @ HobbsOnline: I was browsing the PBASE.com photo galleries and collected links on several Iraq war photo galleries. Here are 11 links, with no commentary. Just offering you the opportunity to view the war in Iraq through the eyes of the brave Americans and British soldiers who are fighting it. If a picture is worth a thousand words, here's several books worth of news from Iraq unlike most of what Big Media provides.... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Sat. 08/21/04 06:38:36 AM |
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