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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 08/06/04 09:13:58 PM
Mainstream Media's War Against the Swiftees It's started already. A reader writes: Last night on Hannity, a man called from one of the major Milwaukee stations saying that he had received the fax from the Dem lawyers warning them about the "libelous" ad, etc. When asked if that would cause the station to not play the ad, the man answered that he intended to play it! Yippee! I think the ad is less effective than if two or three people had just spoken of their personal experience of Kerry's acts. The mixing of various clips sounds too much like a bunch of actors reading a script. The specifics of Kerry's behavior are what are damning. It stretches credulity that Kerry would attempt to fashion his persona around his war hero status and then object when the sordid details of his service and medals are made known by those who observed his actions. As with you, I am aghast at his supporters who seem not to care what sort of man is in office as long as he is a Leftist and not Bush. Neal Boortz, on his website, has a piece entitled "The Democrats' Secret Plans for the Socialist State." http:// boortz . com / more / demsecrets . html. No wonder they want Bush out they have great plans for our earnings and savings! As to the day's news, first, in today's Boston Globe, a "story" by Michael Kranish: A week after Senator John F. Kerry heralded his wartime experience by surrounding himself at the Democratic convention with his Vietnam ''Band of Brothers," a separate group of veterans has launched a television ad campaign and a book that questions the basis for some of Kerry's combat medals. But yesterday, a key figure in the anti-Kerry campaign, Kerry's former commanding officer, backed off one of the key contentions. Lieutenant Commander George Elliott said in an interview that he had made a ''terrible mistake" in signing an affidavit that suggests Kerry did not deserve the Silver Star one of the main allegations in the book. The affidavit was given to The Boston Globe by the anti-Kerry group to justify assertions in their ad and book.... The Swiftees replied immediately: Captain George Elliott describes an article appearing in today’s edition of the Boston Globe by Mike Kranish as extremely inaccurate and highly misstating his actual views. He reaffirms his statement in the current advertisement paid for by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Captain Elliott reaffirms his affidavit in support of that advertisement, and he reaffirms his request that the ad be played. Additional documentation will follow. The article by Mr. Kranish is particularly surprising given page 102 of Mr. Kranish’s own book quoting John Kerry as acknowledging that he killed a single, wounded, fleeing Viet Cong soldier whom he was afraid would turn around. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has more than 250 supporters who are revealing first hand, eyewitness accounts of numerous incidents concerning John Kerry’s military service record. The organization will continue to discuss much of what John Kerry has reported as fact concerning his four-month tour of duty in Vietnam. And Drudge reports the real kicker: BOSTON GLOBE journalist Mike Kranish has been commissioned to write the foreword of the Kerry-Edwards campaign book just as he is covering the campaign in an official capacity as a journalist for the BOSTON GLOBE! Kranish made waves on Friday by reporting in the GLOBE how a key figure in the anti-Kerry vet ad campaign, Kerry's former commanding officer, "backed off one of the key contentions." But Captain George Elliott claims the Kranish article is "extremely inaccurate" and highly misstated his actual views. A reporter covering the Kedwards campaign was commissioned to write the forward for a Kedwards campaign book. The words "conflict of interest" do not come close to describing this situation: "miscegenational collusion" gets much closer, don't you think? But, hey, it's nothing new. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 08/06/04 09:13:58 PM |
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