The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 08/20/04 09:56:23 PM
Sellout The Swiftees' new TV ad. Here is the script, in which Kerry's own words from his 1971 Senate testimony are quoted (emphasis and ellipses in original): Sellout John Kerry: "They had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads..." Joe Ponder: "The accusations that John Kerry made against the veterans who served in Vietnam was just devastating." John Kerry: "... randomly shot at civilians..." Joe Ponder: "It hurt me more than any physical wounds I had." John Kerry: "... cut off limbs, blown up bodies..." Ken Cordier: "That was part of the torture, was, uh, to sign a statement that you had committed war crimes." John Kerry: "... razed villages in a fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan..." Paul Gallanti: "John Kerry gave the enemy for free what I, and many of my, uh, comrades in North Vietnam, in the prison camps, uh, took torture to avoid saying. It demoralized us." John Kerry: "... crimes committed on a day to day basis..." Ken Cordier: "He betrayed us in the past, how could we be loyal to him now?" John Kerry: "... ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam." Paul Gallanti: "He dishonored his country, and, uh, more, more importantly the people he served with. He just sold them out." Announcer: "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is responsible for the content of this advertisement." This ad, too, is also available for viewing at Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. (As I write, though, you have to right-click and download to get them to play.) As somebody all-too-familiar with Kerry's 1971 Senate Testimony, I am simply delighted that these men are helping Americans today to hear the words that made John Forbes Kerry a hero to America Haters all over the world three decades ago. Maybe, at long last, he will get what he deserves. See also Any Questions? Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 08/20/04 09:56:23 PM |
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