The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 08/23/04 08:08:22 AM
"A Brief War Primer" An op-ed by Rev. James V. Schall, S. J., at TCR: Since and because of 9/11, 2001, this country and other nations have been at war. For many people, it is difficult to form a clear idea of what it is all about. In most wars, the enemy side is a nation state. Certain formalities, both on the enemy's side and on our side have been reached. This war, at first, seems to be a different kind of war, and it is. But it is still a war. It might be of some use to spell out, as a matter of opinion, the main elements of what this war is about. The most dangerous position is the one that does not know that a war does exist and we are its main target because, evidently, we are the only power that is willing or able to stop the enemy, in his own estimation, from achieving his end.... (Thanks, Dom.) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Mon. 08/23/04 08:08:22 AM |
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