The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 08/28/04 08:29:11 AM
Blogworthies XXIX Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything. Noteworthy entries @ Flos Carmeli, Lex Communis, The Chronicle of the Conspiracy, Transterrestrial Musings, I love Jet Noise, One Hand Clapping, Catholic Light, GetReligion, Captain's Quarters, Hit & Run, Mere Comments, The Mighty Barrister, QandO, Caracas Chronicles, Varifrank, and Dappled Things. From the Epistle of the Joy of the Lord @ Flos Carmeli: .... Paul, it seems, writes through time. I need to take his words personally and to internalize their relevance for me today. The letter to the Philippians is the perfect place to start doing this. I can imagine myself in one of the congregations, hearing rather than the usual Sunday Sermon, a letter. We do this often today with the Bishop's appeal. But imagine that you are sitting in the Church and a letter from a dear friend who has been whisked off to who knows what fate arrives. Imagine the excitement as you await to hear what it wss that he said in the letter. And then, it is read. Right away you hear these words.... Methodist Decline. @ Lex Communis: Relative to a sociological claim I've made often in the past, Riley Case writing on the "Confessing Movement" website observes: .... The Krugman, the Bitter, and the Ugly @ The Chronicle of the Conspiracy: Paul Krugman began his New York Times column today [Tue. Aug. 24] by patting himself on the back for a brilliant prediction.... After Six Decades, No End To The Quagmire @ Transterrestrial Musings: Sixty years after Paris was seized by the "Allies," and the beginning of the American occupation, France remains a failed nation, mired in political corruption and beset by vast pockets of Muslim extremism and anti-semitism, into which the gendarmerie fear to tread. The economy continues to struggle under economic policies driven by failed ideologies, and many of its best and brightest continue to flow out of the country, with only ex-dictators and their families, and hysterical movie stars willing to move there.... Tired of Vietnam? @ I love Jet Noise: I have a confession to make: I’m sick and tired of hearing about Vietnam. But not for the reasons you might think. Growing up, I watched my country being torn apart by an unpopular war. As a young girl, I heard body counts on the evening news. I watched riots erupt on the streets. In Newport, Rhode Island my neighbor’s son was drafted, left for 'Nam, and came home in a body bag. I saw his father change from a quiet, kind man into a bitter, angry person who yelled at the neighborhood kids and threatened to shoot my dog.... Googling the controversies @ One Hand Clapping: John Cole Googles search returns for the accusations earlier this year that President Bush did not satisfactorily complete his Air National Guard service.... Toasted and jammed @ Catholic Light: My parents need a new toaster. The toaster they own at present is, in a word, retarded. On the highest setting it barely warms the bread. On the lowest setting I imagine it would be safe to have in the tub with you. The thing has a switch for either toast or bagel which, like Janeane Garofalo participating in political discourse, does absolutely nothing.... Is the Crisis crisis a big deal? Of course it is @ GetReligion: For the past four or five days or whenever it was that I staggered out of registration here at the university and saw the wave of Deal Hudson reports I have been trying to recover a piece of information lost in the file cabinets of my brain..... Fact-Checking The Gray Lady @ Captain's Quarters: As a rule, media critics do better when they stick to media matters rather than insert themselves into political controversies.... I Remember It Like It Was Next Week @ Hit & Run: In the latest issue of Harper's, Lewis Lapham has a long, tiresome essay on the "Republican propaganda mill" which, to judge by one of the accompanying graphs, includes the foundation that publishes Reason. (No wonder we find ourselves praising the president so often.) Lapham briefly mentions but otherwise ignores ideological divisions on "the right," lumping together "the Catholic conservatives with the Jewish neoconservatives, the libertarians with the authoritarians, the evangelical nationalists with the paranoid monetarists, Pat Robertson with the friends of the Ku Klux Klan." According to Lapham, all are part of the same conspiracy against decency and compassion, bound together by a common "resentment" (of what, exactly, he doesn't say). It tells you something about Lapham's acuity that he sees George W. Bush as a faithful disciple of Barry Goldwater. The main thrust of the piece is that all conservatives are stupid and closed-minded, with the possible exception of Irving Kristol. Perhaps the most revealing part of the article is the paragraph where Lapham pretends to have heard the speeches at the Republican National Convention that does not open until a week from today [Mon. Aug. 23].... The Price of Plagiarism @ Mere Comments: Yesterday's New York Times ran a very curious report on the enhanced opportunities of plagiarists in this computer age.... Kerry Jumps The Shark @ The Mighty Barrister: There’s a term that defines the point in time when something has begun the long downward spiral towards self-parody and extinction – it’s called jumping the shark. (The original reference was to a Happy Days episode where “Fonzie literally tried to jump a shark in a daredevil waterskiing stunt.”) John Kerry’s campaign has now officially jumped the shark. Before we get to that defining moment, a little campaign history is necessary.... OK, Tell me the difference.... Eyes wide shut... for Justin Delacour @ Caracas Chronicles: In Venezula, during the mid eighties, in the middle of the damned "IV Republic", robbing restaurants became sort of a fashion.... The Grand Unified Theory Of Vietnam @ Varifrank: .... Something has been bugging me about "John Kerry in Vietnam" thing. I can’t understand what the whole ANGER thing is about in the press. I can understand Al Gore being angry, Terry McAuliffe being angry and, perhaps, the voters of Florida but the press? That doesn't make sense, where's their dog in this fight? They get a story no matter what happens. Now, I know the press wants a Democrat in office, because, well that's just how the press is. Many of its members are in the press because of their spoken desire to "help the helpless, give hope to the hopeless and so on." And this sentiment lines up with the pamphlets handed out by the Democratic party as neatly as do the folds in the back of an issue of Mad magazine. The press has always wanted Democrats in office, that's nothing new. What was new in this election is how they've gone completely batty, and for all possible people, it's for this guy.... The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick @ Dappled Things: Of the seven Sacraments, the last one is perhaps the one least understood.... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Sat. 08/28/04 08:29:11 AM |
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