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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Saturday, September 18, 2004

Blogworthies XXXII

Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything.

Noteworthy entries @ Discriminations, HerbEly, The Remedy, About Last Night, PressThink, Catholic Analysis, Captain's Quarters,, I love Jet Noise, Dust in the Light, Sed Contra, CounterColumn, The Curt Jester, The Corner, Envoy Encore, and protein wisdom.

"I, Dan": The Second Coming Of "Fake But Accurate" @ Discriminations:

Several days ago I compared Dan ("I, Dan") Rather's and CBS's defense of the forged Bush National Guard memos to the controversial defense about five years ago of Rigoberta Menchú's factually challenged "autobiography," I, Rigoberta Menchú, the bible of the multicults that won a Nobel Prize in 1992. Now that the New York Times's use of "Fake But Accurate" in a headline to describe the memos has given that description a wide currency, I think it worth fleshing out the "I, Rigoberta" comparison....

".... God wants me to be President.... " – What Bush Really Said @ HerbEly:

In this morning's WaPo Alan Cooperman, has a quote from Richard Land, Bush said he was moved to run by a sermon delivered by his friend Mark Craig, a Methodist minister, in 1999 during his second gubernatorial inauguration. "I believe God wants me to be president," the Rev. Richard Land, head of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, quoted Bush as saying.
Cooperman apparently missed Land’s more complete statement, exctracted here from my May 3 posting....

A Kerry Pre-Mortem @ The Remedy:

A bad sign for John Kerry is that some liberal journalists have decided not to wait seven more weeks until the election is over to file their stories explaining his defeat. They have chosen, instead, to write pre-mortems on the Kerry campaign. One of the most interesting is by Michael Tomasky in The American Prospect, of which he is the editor....

With the bark on @ About Last Night:

I was thinking today about how so few public figures are willing to admit (for attribution, anyway) that they’ve done something wrong, no matter how minor. But I wasn’t thinking of politicians, or even of Dan Rather....

Stark Message for the Legacy Media @ PressThink:

Journalists find before them, with 50 days left, a campaign overtaken by Vietnam, by character issues, attacks, and fights about the basic legitimacy of various actors — including the press itself, including Dan Rather. It's been a dark week. And the big arrow is pointing backwards....

Children of God @ Catholic Analysis:

Over the summer, I was fortunate to attend a workshop on Scripture put together by Renewal Ministries of Ann Arbor, Michigan, a Catholic evangelistic organization. One of the speakers made a simple statement, a statement that we all surely remember hearing at some point as children. But, when heard again as an adult, the statement has a surprising impact. The statement was to the effect that each of us can truly say: "I am a child of God." ....

Pinch Decries Debate Tone While Going Hyperbolic @ Captain's Quarters:

The New York Times' publisher, Arthur "Pinch" Sulzberger, whined to a Kansas State University audience about the tone of public debate yesterday, saying that news organizations attempting to provide objective coverage face unprecedented cynicism: ....

[The Difference Between High-trust and Low-trust Environments] @

James Lileks joins the happy gang of pajama-bloggers with this highly amusing illustration.
But all fun aside, I think there are some important lessons for Big Media — and for everyone else — in the rise of the blogosphere. They stem from the fact that bloggers operate on the Internet, where arguments from authority are difficult since nobody knows whether you're a dog.
In short, it's the difference between high-trust and low-trust environments....

Kerrylied Rally Photos @ I love Jet Noise:

I'm going to post as I go, so this will be a work in progress for the next hour or so as I continue to upload photos. You can click on the thumbnails to enlarge the images....

Having to Make the Case @ Dust in the Light:

Swamped as I am, I still couldn't let Glenn Reynolds's post on the politics of same-sex marriage go without comment, mainly because of this: ....

What? Befriend Those People?! @ Sed Contra:

Some of Sed Contra’s readers have been kind enough to alert me to a charge in the September issue of New Oxford Review, to which I used to subscribe a good while back, stating outright that I am “still promoting the normalization of homosexuality.” ....

Hardly Tet @ CounterColumn:

So six Americans are wounded in Baghdad and the New York Times thinks the sky is falling....

MS Forger @ The Curt Jester:

Introducing a new product in our Office line called Microsoft Forger. We have been copying other peoples software ideas for years, so who is better to provide you with a product that imitates other peoples style and signature. Microsoft Forger is the ultimate product for pundit-proof forgery.
Even if you are just getting into forgery or are an old hand, this product will deliver all the power that you need to turn out credible documents with little or no effort.
Just look at some of the incredible features included....

Postcard from the Past @ The Corner:

A friend forwarded to me today the e-mail I'd sent to some friends that morning three years ago. It's startling to me to read this now. Notice the date and time stamp. I'd just walked in out of the conflagration: ....

A Piece of My Mind: Consider This A Warning @ Envoy Encore:

It's a small world, you know it? I've been dealing with a Protestant gentleman at work lately. He is a very nice man and loves the Lord very much. He was obviously an uncatechized Catholic at some point and has left the Church. I gave him my chapter to read in Surprised by Truth 3. In return he brought me a video to watch. It turns out this is not the first time I heard about this video....

The protein wisdom interview: Dan Rather's Ego @ protein wisdom (emphasis in original):

protein wisdom: “To jump right in: this forged document story has really taken on a life of its own. Question: will all this negative press damage the credibility of CBS News, and do you fear some in the public will come to believe CBS essentially manufactured an anti-Bush story?”
Rather’s ego: “I don’t believe either of those things for a second, no. I know that the story we presented is true. I believe that the witnesses and the documents are authentic. We wouldn’t have gone to air if they would not have been. There isn’t going to be — there’s no apology necessary.” ....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 09/18/04 10:00:24 AM
Categorized as Blogworthies.


Okay So Far

If you've been hearing news of massive flooding in the Pittsburgh area, you may have been worried about me. Here in Roscoe, though, so far, so good.

As I was driving home from work yesterday, I ran into some ponding a few places on the road, but nothing serious. My mother called me shortly after I got home, and I was surprised to hear that things were looking bad in Pittsburgh. I watched the local news most of the evening, until nearly midnight, and I was flabbergasted: massive flooding in the urban & suburban areas, mud slides, major & minor roadways closed, people in jeopardy of their lives, mandatory evacuations.

Yesterday's rainfall in Pittsburgh and its immediate vicinity was the biggest single-day rainfall ever recorded there; the previous record had been set only ten days ago, Sep. 8, and you have to go back to 1888, I think, for the record before that.

But here in Roscoe, so far, so good.

Seeing as how the remains of Hurricane Ivan came from the South, and we are south of Pittsburgh, I don't quite know how to account for this, except to thank you for your prayers.

It's not over yet, though. The rivers will continue to rise through the day. But, as I understand it right now, though the Monongahela River will surely flood, as will all the other rivers here, it probably won't be severe in my community.

Flooding into downtown Pittsburgh, though, is forecasted before the day is over. Please continue to pray for all of us in the Pittsburgh area, especially those directly affected by the severe weather. Some folks are missing, I understand, and I'm sure that all kinds of emergency personnel are being stretched to their limits and beyond.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 09/18/04 07:34:50 AM
Categorized as Religious.


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