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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 09/07/04 06:49:22 AM

After the Republican National Convention

The Big Bounce.

The Big Bounce 2004

Oops. Sorry. Wrong bounce.

The Big Bounce.

The Big Bounce 1969

Oops. Sorry. Wrong bounce again.

The Big Bounce.

Newsweek Poll, September 2-3, 2004.

"In general, would you like to see George W. Bush reelected to another term as president, or not?"

AnswerJuly 29-30Sep. 2-3

Time Poll, September 2-3, 2004.

"Suppose the 2004 election for president were being held today, and you had to choose between John Kerry and John Edwards, the Democrats, and George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, the Republicans. For whom would you vote?"

CandidatesAug. 3-5Aug. 31 - Sep. 2

Ah. Yes. That bounce.


Of course, this was not news to you, Faithful Reader: Big Bounce and Bigger Bounce.

Democratic flaks have been very amusing. They try simultaneously to assert that (1) Kerry's lack of a bounce after the DNC was irrelevant and (2) Bush's big bounce after the RNC is also irrelevant.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 09/07/04 06:49:22 AM
Categorized as Political.


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