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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 09/10/04 09:49:12 PM

In the Big Lights With Susanna Cornett

Well, sort of.

Over at cut on the bias the other day:

Well, maybe not, but it's cool nonetheless! Following back a link from my referrer logs, I came upon this discussion of framing theory put together for a Management 360 class at Cal State Northridge. It's quite excellent, and if the concept interests you I recommend reading it all. It goes beyond media framing, showing its applicability in several other contexts. This I thought was good:
The media power is not so much about telling people what to think (framing), but rather to tell people what to think about (priming) (McCombs and Shaw 1972).
I don't agree with that totally, but substantially. For proof, think about the SwiftBoat Veterans issue. The big annoyance in the blogosphere was that the mainstream media wouldn't cover it. All manner of alternative media, including the blogosphere, were, but the bigtime media weren't. Then they did, and it's been repeatedly cited as an issue that's seriously hurt Kerry. The media covered it in a way that generally favored Kerry, but the citizenry didn't hear it the way the media told it. I think media framing (the "what to think" aspect) is more apparent and successful when it's something the average citizen has less accessibility to, less capability to find competing information....

Susanna very kindly wrote to me and pointed out that the page she quotes cites The Blog from the Core as a source. :-)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 09/10/04 09:49:12 PM
Categorized as Blogosphere Stuff.


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