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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 09/13/04 07:50:32 AM

TownHall Catches Up With The Blog from the Core

Them: What Did Rather Know, and When Did He Know It?

Us: What Did Dan Rather Know? And When Did He Know It?

Friday, I mentioned mainstream media covering this story as a forged-documents story:

.... Frankly, I think that MM is starting to cover this as a forged-documents story because they realize how very damaging this attempted fraud on the American public could be to both the Kerry campaign and to themselves. (Pardon the redundancy.) So, they want to get it out in the open and out of the way as soon as they can....

Bryant provides his own observations as to how unusual this is:

.... For decades, I have wondered why, if the three network news organizations were truly in competition with one another, they didn't act like they were. Eventually, I decided my sense of competition had been warped because of having learned it in the political game.
In politics, a major part of the competition is exposing your opponent's miscues. But that never seems to happen in the news business. Why, I often asked myself, don't the networks spend some investigative effort on one another, debunking the others' stories whenever possible? Wouldn't that be in the public interest, convenience and necessity? But they never do. Night after night, they simply report on the same news, with virtually the same lineup of stories, and it's been like that since the very beginning.
The only reasonable explanation is that none of the organizations wants to call the kettle black, for fear that they are equally pot-worthy. I think that's pretty close to the definition of what might be termed oligarchic monopolistic behavior, where a few companies have divvied up the market and are all getting fat and happy and don't want to risk anything....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 09/13/04 07:50:32 AM
Categorized as Media.


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