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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 09/18/04 07:34:50 AM

Okay So Far

If you've been hearing news of massive flooding in the Pittsburgh area, you may have been worried about me. Here in Roscoe, though, so far, so good.

As I was driving home from work yesterday, I ran into some ponding a few places on the road, but nothing serious. My mother called me shortly after I got home, and I was surprised to hear that things were looking bad in Pittsburgh. I watched the local news most of the evening, until nearly midnight, and I was flabbergasted: massive flooding in the urban & suburban areas, mud slides, major & minor roadways closed, people in jeopardy of their lives, mandatory evacuations.

Yesterday's rainfall in Pittsburgh and its immediate vicinity was the biggest single-day rainfall ever recorded there; the previous record had been set only ten days ago, Sep. 8, and you have to go back to 1888, I think, for the record before that.

But here in Roscoe, so far, so good.

Seeing as how the remains of Hurricane Ivan came from the South, and we are south of Pittsburgh, I don't quite know how to account for this, except to thank you for your prayers.

It's not over yet, though. The rivers will continue to rise through the day. But, as I understand it right now, though the Monongahela River will surely flood, as will all the other rivers here, it probably won't be severe in my community.

Flooding into downtown Pittsburgh, though, is forecasted before the day is over. Please continue to pray for all of us in the Pittsburgh area, especially those directly affected by the severe weather. Some folks are missing, I understand, and I'm sure that all kinds of emergency personnel are being stretched to their limits and beyond.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 09/18/04 07:34:50 AM
Categorized as Religious.


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