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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 09/23/04 07:02:46 PM

Sometimes, a Little Can Explain a Lot

Also, more from Pat Caddell.

Honest CBS Logo
Honest CBS Logo

How ironic. While experimenting to match the fonts, I concluded that if the typeface of the actual CBS logo isn't Times New Roman, it's the next thing to it.

Also, Pat Caddell has been speaking out again. (Brackets in original.)

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BRIDGETTE QUINN [FOX NEWS]: Could the CBS scandal hurt the Democrats as well as CBS? Joining us to talk about that, Pat Caddell, the Democratic strategist and former Presidential pollster. Pat, welcome to you. More to come on this as far as the Democratic party is concerned?

PAT CADDELL [DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST]: I’m afraid so. I said ten days ago when this thing first broke that I was terrified that where this was going to lead, that these documents were fraudulent. And when they’re clearly fraudulent. And by the way, the blogs, what the blogs did was allow the experts to come in, since CBS was hiding its own experts. Look, this was not a mistake by CBS. Let’s get this, I listened all day yesterday to this stuff about oh a terrible mistake. There was no mistake. The only reason that they came clean the other day is because last week they were hemorrhaging hundreds of thousands of people out of CBS Evening News, and the corporate stepped in over the weekend finally and insisted that this happen. Dan Rather still doesn’t believe these documents are not — he still believes them. They had the source, they knew he was not credible, they called him “unimpeachable”. And you start tying these connections together, and I’m looking and I said I’m so scared, because I know what’s going on in my party. Now you’ve got this thing with this Lockhart, you’ve got all of these events happening together. Let me just say one thing that no one seems to notice. This guy Mr Burkett, who I think is sort of, what he called himself, is kind of the sap here, but the fact is he did not approach CBS. CBS approached him looking for the documents. Which means that somebody tipped CBS off, and I don’t know why no one can get to this. The idea that CBS is going to have an independent investigation is ludicrous. We’re dealing with what may be the violation of the law. If CBS was had, which is what they want to claim, then they should be calling for this, because after all this is about a Presidential election, less than 50 days from it. And because I’ll tell you the public is already voting with their feet on this, and it’s going to get worse.

QUINN: Yeah.

CADDELL: Some of the stuff going on is frightening to me. It’s like CNN when they have Begala, who I think may have had something to do, maybe he didn’t, with a speech the other day for Kerry and is hawking it on the air and saying what a great speech it is.

QUINN: Yeah, Pat —

CADDELL: No one’s asking: did you have anything to do with the speech?

QUINN: Right.

CADDELL: Look, we cannot afford to destroy not just media, but politics. And the thing is that I’m telling you, the connections down there. These Texans for Truth, who show up the day of the CBS thing on the air, and it’s an off-shoot group, it’s really a straw group from Glenn Smith, the guy that heads it, is a major Democratic consultant there involved. All these people are connected. Those documents did not come by immaculate conception.

QUINN: Mm-hm. Pat —

CADDELL: They came from somewhere.

QUINN: Right.

CADDELL: Let me just say this.

QUINN: Sure.

CADDELL: Yesterday, Tom DeLay’s chief, three of his top aides were indicted by the D.A. in Travis County in Austin, Mr Earle, and eight companies for their illegal activity for what they did in terms of Congressional reapportionment. Now Tom DeLay is out there screaming that it’s partisan, which is where I come from in South Carolina we call it being called ugly by a frog to call somebody partisan. But this is a chance for Mr Earle, and I hope he will do this. I think CBS, if they’re serious, if they’re on the, if they are real about this, then they’re a victim and they should ask that we get to the bottom of it by legal authorities to see if there are possible crimes committed. And I hope that Mr Earle will take this up because he has an excellent chance, and I know his reputation is terrific —

QUINN: All Right —

CADDELL: — that he is in fact a law-enforcement officer, not a partisan, and he will look into this too.

QUINN: OK, Pat —

CADDELL: Because this could have affected the election.

QUINN: You know what? I hate to stop you but I have to. We’re out of time. Pat Caddell, Democratic strategist, thanks for talking to us this morning.

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Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 09/23/04 07:02:46 PM
Categorized as Media.


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