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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 09/23/04 08:45:48 PM

Some Personal Stuff

My refinancing loan is scheduled to close tomorrow! Thanks for all your prayers. But, please, say one last prayer that everything goes okay. Having been in real estate for a while, I've learned that things can go awry at the last moment before closing. (Of course, I'm not buying the house this time, but I suppose you never can tell.)

Also, I'm planning to take a blogging slow down for a week or two, starting this weekend. I'm feeling kind of stretched. (I think it's already showing on The Blog.)

I admit, there's a lot going on in the world, but sometimes I feel as if I've already said everything that needs to be said about some subjects — mainstream media, Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode, and John Kerry — though new things are happening all the time.

So, I'm planning on skipping a day or two here and there, and blogging lightly when I do blog.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 09/23/04 08:45:48 PM
Categorized as Other.


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