The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 09/25/04 07:27:56 AM
Blogworthies XXXIII Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything. Noteworthy entries @ small dead animals, Belmont Club, cut on the bias, Credibility,, The Corner, Mere Comments, Catholic Analysis, JunkYardBlog, I love Jet Noise, iowahaw, cut on the bias (again),, Laudem Gloriae, The Armchair Critic, BeldarBlog, and Precinct 333. "Hundreds Of Planes" @ small dead animals: .... From Ghost Soldiers an account of the atrocity at Palawan, Dec. 14, 1944.... Vladis Krebs has a case study page examining how mapping social networks and understanding their properties can be used to take down of terrorist networks. Network analysis was used to take down Saddam Hussein.... Not getting it Part 2,498,381 @ cut on the bias: Apparently John Edwards came on the Kerry ticket at least in part to appeal to rural voters: Edwards is supposed to appeal to the rural voters that Al Gore lost overwhelmingly four years ago. Kerry's selection of Edwards as his vice presidential nominee will not be judged by whether the ticket carries Edwards' home state of North Carolina. Instead, the verdict will be determined by whether Edwards can bring at least some of the voters from the place that Rep. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., calls "'Merica." This is so wrong in such a resounding way that it's breathtaking.... Introducing the Catholic Skeptical Bible @ Credibility: The Curt Jester was talking about the New American Bible, which got me thinking.... Is the Blogosphere Elevating Political Debate? @ I just had an interesting conversation with a journalist who's writing on that question, and who pretty clearly seems to feel that the answer is "no." If "elevating the debate" means a sort of good-government, League-of-Women-Voters focus on where candidates stand on health care, etc., that's mostly true, I suppose. But I think it misconceives what blogs are about.... Sunshine and Serenity in the Suburbs @ The Corner: It's an exceptionally beautiful day here in Huntington the first day of Fall, I believe.... Orthodox Confusion @ Mere Comments: Everyone’s weighing in on how to weight to give various moral issues when considering how to vote in the upcoming elections. Not to be left out, the Eastern Orthodox, or at least one of them, Dr. Peter C. Bouteneff, has addressed the subject, and his article is posted on Beliefnet as “How Should Orthodox Christians Vote? Since I am Orthodox, I was very interested to see how I am being instructed. It turns not, not very well at all.... Where Courage Steps In @ Catholic Analysis: For most of us, talk of courage brings to mind highly dangerous situations, such as a criminal assault, wartime combat, a terrorist attack, or a natural disaster. But there is another side of courage that is less outwardly dramatic but is still highly dramatic in substance. That side of courage is the courage of how to live.... Let's Call the Whole Thing Off @ JunkYardBlog: I think it's fair to say that the 21st Century will not resemble the 20th, at least not in one important respect: It will not be an "American century." .... RatherGate vs SwiftVets: Can You Say "Double Standard"? @ I love Jet Noise: .... In watching the media analysis of the brouhaha last night, I was repeatedly struck by the over-charitable treatment extended to CBS. "It was just a case of journalistic zeal, not partisanship", I kept hearing. But there are three things wrong with this theory: .... My Teleprompter is Deadly @ iowahawk: Excerpts from the new Inspector Dan Rather Mystery by David Burge.... Must I scour the world for unChristian Christians? @ cut on the bias: Apparently Jimmy Swaggert is at it again, and according to Eugene Volokh I have a responsibility as a Christian to denounce him.... John Kerry Is Unpatriotic. @ .... There. I said it.... I am currently 26 weeks along. @ Laudem Gloriae: That's about 6 months. Babies can be born premature at this stage, and have an approximately 70% survival rate. Her body is fully formed, including her limbs (which she uses to give me little kicks throughout the day). She can hear, she can taste, she is using her lungs to breathe in amniotic fluid, she can cry at this stage, she can smile. All she has to do is grow, because she is only about 14 inches long from head to toe. If she were to be born premature, a doctor who dismembered her or injected her heart with hydrochloric acid as she lay in the incubator would be convicted of homicide. A doctor who did the same while she lay in my womb would be fully protected by the law. That's because he would be performing an abortion, the hallowed right enshrined in the Constitution (or so some Supreme Court Justices have said).... CBS News Creed "Fake, But Accurate" @ The Armchair Critic: Last week, CBS News and Dan Rather attempted to defend their use of forged documents as evidence in a report. And their airtight case was made more credible by saying their docs were "fake, but accurate." Well, by now most of you are pretty pissed off at Dan and his creative journalism. I was too. But I'm not so sure we should be angry with him. I mean, think of how different life would be if his groundbreaking new idea ever caught on. Why should we limit such a dynamite ideal to just journalism? So, in honor of Dan Rather and the fact-checking hounds at CBS, I propose these new guidelines for other areas of our society. To be implemented at the earliest possible time: .... Fisking Nicholas Kristof's NYT op-ed "A War Hero or a Phony?" @ BeldarBlog: In Saturday's New York Times, columnist Nicholas D. Kristof offers an interesting op-ed entitled "A War Hero or a Phony?" Since only one presidential candidate has claimed to be a war hero, you'd be correct in inferring that it's about Sen. Kerry. NYT columnist Nicholas D. KristofIf you try to recall the state of public knowledge about Sen. Kerry's war record before the first SwiftVets ad appeared in early August, you'll recognize that at a minimum, the SwiftVets' campaign has had at least some success in knocking some of the burnish off that record. But if you've been following the controversy closely, you'll see from Mr. Kristof's op-ed that on important points, he — and by fair inference, most of the mainstream media — is still clueless.... A Beslan Miracle @ Precinct 333: We have all seen the picture. I even posted it on my site before. A blood-stained hand of a child clutches a cross following the Beslan school attack. I've got another picture for you. A happier one. Of Viktoria Ktsoyeva. The girl whose hand and cross touched so many of us.... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Sat. 09/25/04 07:27:56 AM |
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