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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 10/22/04 06:28:14 PM

Nostalgie Pour la Boue

By Gerard Van der Leun at American Digest:

Listening to John Kerry whip out his plodding French to pander to the sad Haitian vote yesterday [Thu. Oct. 21] put me in a nostalgic frame of mind.
I lived in France for a number of years. I have a lot of French friends. My daughter was conceived in France. I lived in Aix, Paris, and along the Western Front. Unlike others, not all my thoughts of France are negative. But when I consider what the Democratic Party's perverted primary process disgorged as their offering in this year's election, and when I listen to half of it spout execrable French and the other half denigrate mothers and librarians after a career of hunting billionaires to extinction, it brings out the French in me.
When I hear Kerry-Heinz speak, I think "Ah, nostalgie pour la boue." They say that their campaign is about the future. It's not. It is about the past; about nostalgie pour la boue....

(Thanks, Charles.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 10/22/04 06:28:14 PM
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