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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 11/15/04 05:54:28 PM

Barone on the Election Fallout

Michael Barone has a great column today at TownHall, covering a lot of territory that we cover here at The Blog from the Core:

It was a bad election for Old Media. More than in any other election in the last half-century, Old Media — The New York Times and CBS News, joined often but not always by The Washington Post, other major newspapers, ABC News and NBC News — was an active protagonist in this election, working hard to prevent the re-election of George W. Bush and doing what it could for John Kerry. The problem for Old Media is that it no longer has the kind of monopoly control over political news that it enjoyed a quarter-century ago. And its efforts to help John Kerry proved counterproductive.
Compare the campaign of 2004 with the campaign of 1980. Back then, most voters got their news from the three nightly newscasts of CBS, ABC and NBC. The agenda for those newscasts was set largely by The New York Times, which network producers and anchors picked up on their doorsteps every morning in New York and Washington....

See also Walter Cronkite Is No More and Preliminary Report Almost Ready.

(Thanks, Charles.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 11/15/04 05:54:28 PM
Categorized as Media.


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