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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 12/13/04 07:35:19 AM

Hollywood and The Passion of the Christ

Over the past couple of weeks, I've received two requests to support campaign(s) — I don't remember if they're related campaigns — to get Mel Gibson's movie nominated & awarded at the Oscars and, maybe, for some other award. (As you might gather, I don't pay much attention to those kinds of things.)

I have been pondering these requests. I have decided to decline to support them or give them any publicity.

Why in the world should good Christian people care whether the narcissistic, sycophantic, anti-religious, anti-family, anti-American, pro-baby-killing, pro-sexual-perversion, hypocritical filthy-rich Marxoids of the entertainment world give awards to a particular movie?

If, at bottom, you just want the Hollywood Vacuumheads to admit that good Christian people actually exist — well, forget it. I should think it far more likely that they would deliberately use the occasion to snub us than to admit, even grudgingly, that we exist. Besides, I rather imagine that they'll be eager to use the occasion to pay back the American heartland for having denied the White House to the savior of the leftist, globalist cause in the November election.

If that's what you'd like to prevent — again, I ask why.

And I'll give the last word to Cardinal Newman:

.... Look around, and see what the world presents of high and low. Go to the court of princes. See the treasure and skill of all nations brought together to honour a child of man. Observe the prostration of the many before the few. Consider the form and ceremonial, the pomp, the state, the circumstance; and the vainglory. Do you wish to know the worth of it all? look at the Cross of Christ.
Go to the political world: see nation jealous of nation, trade rivalling trade, armies and fleets matched against each other. Survey the various ranks of the community, its parties and their contests, the strivings of the ambitious, the intrigues of the crafty. What is the end of all this turmoil? the grave. What is the measure? the Cross.
Go, again, to the world of intellect and science: consider the wonderful discoveries which the human mind is making, the variety of arts to which its discoveries give rise, the all but miracles by which it shows its power; and next, the pride and confidence of reason, and the absorbing devotion of thought to transitory objects, which is the consequence. Would you form a right judgment of all this? look at the Cross....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 12/13/04 07:35:19 AM
Categorized as Media & Religious.


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