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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 12/30/04 08:20:41 AM

The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami

A weblog with "News and information about resources, aid, donations and volunteer efforts", including a list of Relief Organizations Working in the Disaster Area.

Here, a prayer in time of tribulation, from the old Roman Ritual:

Almighty God, do not disdain your people who cry to you in their affliction, but for the glory of your name be pleased to help us who are so sorely troubled. Show us, O Lord, your inexpressible mercy, blot out our transgressions, and graciously deliver us from the condemnation they deserve.
We entreat you, Lord God, grant us, your servants, the enjoyment of lasting health of body and mind; and by the glorious intercession of blessed Mary, ever a Virgin, free us from present sorrow and give us everlasting joy.
Graciously hear us, O Lord, in our tribulation, and turn away the stripes of your wrath which we justly deserve. God, our refuge and our strength and source of all goodness, heed the holy prayers of your Church, and grant that we fully obtain whatever we ask for in faith; through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 12/30/04 08:20:41 AM
Categorized as Blogosphere Stuff & International & Religious.


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