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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 12/31/04 07:55:41 PM

The Night Litany

Twenty years ago, I compiled an Order for Night Prayer. Here are four litanies, to be used singly, from that order. (They are not, I suppose, litanies in the strictest sense.) It's been so long, I can't be sure, but I think I wrote them all. I hope you will find them to be useful.

Litany the First

Lord, we bring before you
the needs of our parents, brothers, sisters, friends,
all who love us, all who have asked for our prayers.
Help and comfort them.
Protect them from all dangers and save them from all sin
that freed from evil they may praise you greatly.
— Lord, have mercy.

Lord, we also bring before you
those who have hindered or burdened or harmed us.
— Lord, forgive them.

Lord, we also bring before you
those whom we have hurt or offended or troubled
in word or deed, knowingly or unknowingly.
— Lord, bless them.

Lord, take from our hearts
all suspicion, hard feelings, anger, dissension,
and whatever else may lessen the holy love
we should have for one another.
— Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy on all who need your mercy.
Give your grace to all in need
and bring us to everlasting life.
— Amen.

Litany the Second

On doctors, nurses, firemen, police: Everlasting, have mercy.
On all who labor through the night: Everlasting, have mercy.

On the sick, the despairing, and the dying: Everlasting, have mercy.
On alcoholics and drug addicts: Everlasting, have mercy.
On the homeless, the starving, and the lost: Everlasting, have mercy.
On all who suffer through the night: Everlasting, have mercy.

On drug smugglers and pushers: Everlasting, have mercy.
On murderers, robbers, and burglars: Everlasting, have mercy.
On those who are tempting others: Everlasting, have mercy.
On all who imperil their salvation: Everlasting, have mercy.

On those who blaspheme: Everlasting, have mercy.
On those who abuse the Name: Everlasting, have mercy.
On those who neglect or profane the Sacrament: Everlasting, have mercy.
On those who do not pray: Everlasting, have mercy.
On all who do not know you: Everlasting, have mercy.

On those with whom we shared this day: Everlasting, have mercy.
On those we have not seen for months or years: Everlasting, have mercy.
On those who taught or helped or encouraged us: Everlasting, have mercy.
On those who have laughed or cried with us: Everlasting, have mercy.
On those whom we will meet tomorrow: Everlasting, have mercy.
On all who bring us closer to you: Everlasting, have mercy.

On all of us, always in need of your mercy: Everlasting, have mercy.

Litany the Third

To those who were born today
— grant your blessing throughout life.

To children
— grant your protection in a safe and happy home.

To adolescents
— grant your instruction as they mature.

To young adults
— grant your guidance as they choose their ways.

To newly-weds
— grant your blessing in their life together.

To parents
— grant your counsel in all their decisions.

To grandparents
— grant your comfort, strength and peace.

To all the aged
— grant your consolation and our compassion.

To all who have died today
— grant forgiveness, grace and life everlasting. Amen.

Litany the Fourth

For the whole Church, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For our Holy Father N., we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For our bishop N., we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For our pastor N., we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For all the pastors of the Church, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For all priests and deacons, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For the Church's lay ministers, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For the members of this Church of N., we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For all Christ's faithful everywhere, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For religious and their communities, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For consecrated laymen in the world, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For missionaries at home and abroad, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For theologians and teachers, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For seminarians and students, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For those engaged to be married, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For those preparing for confirmation, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For those preparing for first Communion, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For those preparing to join the Church, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For the newly-baptized, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For catechumens, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For all who seek the truth and light, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For those who suffer for the Name, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.
For ourselves, we pray: Grace, mercy, peace.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 12/31/04 07:55:41 PM
Categorized as Religious.


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