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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Index for Week of December 12, 2004
Saturday, December 18, 2004 | ||||
Blogworthies XLV (12/18/04 08:46:49 AM; 1412 words) Blogworthies XLV Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything. Noteworthy entries @ JunkYardBlog, Tim Worstall, Off the Record, Catholic Analysis, Chronicle of the Conspiracy, Dust in the.... |
Friday, December 17, 2004 | ||||
Logic Times (12/17/04 10:13:35 PM; 3 words) Logic Times Vide. |
Holiday Cards Not Created Equal (12/17/04 10:04:08 PM; 295 words) Holiday Cards Not Created Equal Thanks to Margaret for notice of this Catholic League press release yesterday. + + + + + Not All Holiday Cards Are Created Equal The.... |
Re: Holiday Party Tips (12/17/04 07:19:49 PM; 32 words) Re: Holiday Party Tips A reader writes: I think you did your readers a very valuable service. I am already beginning to take the advice and have the hips to.... |
"Aliens Cause Global Warming" (12/17/04 07:07:38 PM; 686 words) "Aliens Cause Global Warming" I apologize for not blogging this a long time ago. It was recalled to my attention by Wretchard; it's the Caltec Michelin Lecture, Jan. 17, 2003,.... |
"Paul's New Morality in 1st Corinthians" (12/17/04 06:35:11 PM; 35 words) "Paul's New Morality in 1st Corinthians" By Oswald Sobrino. Over at Catholic Analysis: The following is a paper previously submitted by me to a graduate moral theology class at Sacred.... |
Robert Jensen: Traitor (12/17/04 06:27:49 PM; 683 words) Robert Jensen: Traitor This psychotic, America-hating Marxoid is "a journalism professor at the University of Texas at Austin". This load of crap ran in the Dallas-Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Dec. 9..... |
Holiday Party Tips (12/17/04 07:49:18 AM; 449 words) Holiday Party Tips Thanks to Margaret for forwarding these very important reminders. + + + + + Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows.... |
Thursday, December 16, 2004 | ||||
The Sixtieth Anniversary of the Beginning of the Battle of the Bulge (12/16/04 10:19:35 PM; 18 words) The Sixtieth Anniversary of the Beginning of the Battle of the Bulge Also today. Vide et vide. |
Today is Beethoven's Birthday (12/16/04 09:12:03 PM; 53 words) Today is Beethoven's Birthday Who knew? Inspired, I gather, by an earlier announcement, John writes to remind us that today is, most likely, the birthday of the great composer, Ludwig.... |
Fantasia. Psychosis. Whatever. (12/16/04 06:01:24 PM; 1079 words) Fantasia. Psychosis. Whatever. Hateful left-wing bigotry on display. One finds it difficult to believe that she isn't embarrassed to have other human beings know that she thinks this way. Margaret.... |
Democratic Party vs. America (12/16/04 05:35:29 PM; 309 words) Democratic Party vs. America George Neumayr writes an insightful article at The American Prowler, Dec. 10: .... In American political history, modern Democrats are an anomalous creature, a party that.... |
Hype or History? (12/16/04 07:53:02 AM; 98 words) Hype or History? Mark D. Roberts responds to the Time and Newsweek cover stories on the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. So far, it's a seven-part series: The Birth.... |
Blue Spots in Red States (12/16/04 07:28:56 AM; 237 words) Blue Spots in Red States That would be the Cultural Marxism Indoctrination Centers universities. One anonymous fellow recounts his first days in the tenure track: .... My political leanings posed.... |
Yesterday Was Bill of Rights Day (12/16/04 06:59:49 AM; 19 words) Yesterday Was Bill of Rights Day Who knew? And here is the Bill of Rights. (Thanks, Mary Katharine.) |
Tuesday, December 14, 2004 | ||||
Antony Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (12/14/04 07:50:20 PM; 128 words) Antony Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Really, really big-time atheistic philosopher, whom I have never heard of before, thinks maybe there's a sort of God after all. I'll just bet.... |
Hitler's Pope Not (12/14/04 07:14:31 PM; 108 words) Hitler's Pope Not John Cornwall recants. Stephen Bainbridge quotes The Economist, Dec. 9: As he admits, Hitler's Pope (1999), his biography of Pope Pius XII, lacked balance. “I would now.... |
Schramm on the Electoral College (12/14/04 06:57:16 PM; 456 words) Schramm on the Electoral College The Electoral College voted yesterday. In 2000, Peter Schramm delivered an address to Ohio's presidential electors, Dec. 18 (italics in original): .... It is a.... |
Catholic Carnival VIII (12/14/04 06:37:09 PM; 19 words) Catholic Carnival VIII At Living Catholicism this week. Your Humble, Faithful Blogster has an entry in this week's Carnival. |
"How Daschle Got Blogged" (12/14/04 06:15:19 PM; 138 words) "How Daschle Got Blogged" A good article by John Fund at OpinionJournal, yesterday: Bloggers received a lot of attention for helping to expose the fake documents backing up Dan Rather's.... |
BDS @ Pasadena Weekly (12/14/04 05:46:26 PM; 979 words) BDS @ Pasadena Weekly Somebody named Dean Opperman writes at the Pasadena Weekly. |
On the Murderer Scott Peterson (12/14/04 05:35:07 PM; 45 words) On the Murderer Scott Peterson Why didn't he just divorce her? they ask. He didn't have to kill them! Sure he did. If he didn't want to have to pay.... |
San Juan de la Cruz III (12/14/04 07:54:54 AM; 317 words) San Juan de la Cruz III Priest and doctor of the Church. Today the Roman Church celebrates the feastday of St. John of the Cross, friar, reformer, theologian and.... |
"Unity in the Virgin" (12/14/04 07:15:39 AM; 223 words) "Unity in the Virgin" A fine article by guest blogger Dave Kopel, Sunday, at .... Around the Winter Solstice in December 1531, ten years after the Spanish conquered the.... |
That MoveOn E-mail (12/14/04 06:59:37 AM; 838 words) That MoveOn E-mail Re: Next DNC Chairman: Howard Dean? Courtesy of Susanna Cornett, here's the full text of the e-mail. + + + + + Dear MoveOn member, Who will.... |
Monday, December 13, 2004 | ||||
P.C. Christmas (12/13/04 06:07:44 PM; 1161 words) P.C. Christmas "Hello, it's winter". A great column by Edward L. Daley at The American Thinker, Dec. 10: Now that December has finally rolled around again, the time has come.... |
Re: Newspaper Reporter Brags to Colleagues About Surreptitiously Manipulating News Conference (12/13/04 05:43:01 PM; 47 words) Re: Newspaper Reporter Brags to Colleagues About Surreptitiously Manipulating News Conference Confer. Edward Lee Pitts, of the Chattanooga Times Free Press, is identified as a reporter for "Military Affairs". I.... |
It Doesn't Get Much Plainer (12/13/04 08:17:22 AM; 233 words) It Doesn't Get Much Plainer Margaret Havemann writes at the Daily Michigan, the newspaper of the University of Michigan, Dec. 10: Many students at top schools, like the University say.... |
Hollywood and The Passion of the Christ (12/13/04 07:35:19 AM; 418 words) Hollywood and The Passion of the Christ Over the past couple of weeks, I've received two requests to support campaign(s) I don't remember if they're related campaigns to.... |
Re: The Bleg from the Core I (12/13/04 07:15:43 AM; 47 words) Re: The Bleg from the Core I I am happy to be able to report to you, Faithful Reader, that generous responses to my bleg will cover my Internet expenses.... |
Sunday, December 12, 2004 | ||||
Three by Housman II (12/12/04 08:19:35 AM; 173 words) Three by Housman II Poems by Alfred Edward Housman. With rue my heart is laden For golden friends I had, For many a rose-lipt maiden And many a lightfoot lad..... |
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