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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Saturday, January 01, 2005

Blogworthies XLVII

Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything.

Noteworthy entries @ Catholic Analysis, India Uncut, Witting Shire, Michelle Malkin, Fraters Libertas, Scylla & Charybdis, Discriminations, One Hand Clapping, Flos Carmeli, JunkYardBlog, SecretAgentMan's Dossier, Dust in the Light, Midwest Conservative Journal, Belmont Club, GetReligion, Power Line, The Social Affairs Unit, The Moderate Voice, and Ales Rarus.

Happy New Year! Trouble Is Coming @ Catholic Analysis:

What a New Year's greeting — to tell someone that trouble is coming, but Christians are realists and know that trouble, along with good, is coming in 2005....

A picture of hell, and no kerosene @ India Uncut:

It’s five kilometres of hell, and it’s right here at Nagapattinum.
Kaviarsi studies — make that studied — in the sixth standard. Her schoolbooks lie a short distance away, and besides them lies a doll. The girl herself lies on a makeshift pyre on what used to be her home, her face totally blackened, her neck twisted upwards, the skin peeling off her legs like torn stockings. There is a large empty container of Pepsi lying just besides her, and four other bodies. And besides the pyre, towards the sunset, are five long kilometers of slushy wasteland strewn with dead bodies.
It wasn’t like this five days ago....

Darwinism and Demarcation: Ducking the Debate @ Witting Shire (capitalization in original):

Hugh Hewitt is linking to a lively blogosphere debate over Darwinism and design. Most critics of intelligent design like to pretend that Darwinism is without faith commitments, that design theory is faith and Darwinism is REASON....

A Message from Arthur C. Clarke @ Michelle Malkin:

Renowned science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, who lives with his family in Sri Lanka, survived the tsunami. The Associated Press excerpts an e-mail Clarke authored yesterday [Wed. Dec. 29] letting friends know of his fate.
A reader with ties to Clarke forwarded me the entire message, which includes Clarke's plea for aid to Sri Lanka and also a note about another natural disaster Clarke wrote about in his first book on Sri Lanka. Here's the full message...

Send In The Clown Redux @ Fraters Libertas:

Even when in a hotel room in Deerfield, Illinois, I'm never far from the call of duty. And an e-mail from Robert speculating on what may be going on inside the castle walls of the Star Tribune editorial board was enough to stir me to action: ....

WaPo: 10 Errors about Memogate in One Paragraph @ Scylla & Charybdis:

Update: Now it's 18 and counting....

Equal Rites? @ Discriminations:

Advocates of gay marriage are fond of comparing it to racial intermarriage, as I discussed here last spring in noting that this claim made the Congressional Black Caucus and others uncomfortable. As an example, I quoted Rep. Artur Davis, a black Democrat representing Birmingham: ....

A Top Sergeant reports on Rumsfeld @ One Hand Clapping:

This email is from a first sergeant serving in Iraq who was present last week for one of the troop visits by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. The email was forwarded to me by a Tennessee Army Guard field-grade officer. One of his comments was,
Once again our soldiers (and vets) do not recognize what the press reports. Our experience is in the full context of events and I suppose only we can or will tell that complete story....

In Preparation for New Year's... @ Flos Carmeli:

... and making resolutions that matter and prayers that are worthwhile, I present once again from the writings of St. Josemaria Escriva: ....

The End @ JunkYardBlog:

Hey gang, I'm back to blogging and just in time to witness the end of Western civlization: ....

After Reading the Jefferson Bible, The President Issues a ______mas Message @ SecretAgentMan's Dossier:

The following is the text of what can, with a large act of imagination, be called the President's Christmas Message. Inasmuch as there are still people who think Junior represents, not just a barely-acceptable, marginally-lesser-of-many-evils, Christian choice for the White House, but who actually think he's an ideal Christian choice for high office, I add my comments here. Junior's words are in black. Mine in blue....

Barton Answers His Own Question @ Dust in the Light:

Both sides of the same-sex marriage debate surely believe that large segments of the other side are beyond persuasion. In many cases, perhaps they are correct, although I'd obviously suggest that those firmly against the innovation stand on better, more-relevant ground. I, for one, can only assert that I am not unpersuadable, but that I've read and written about the topic so much over the past few years that I can fairly state that arguments several degrees of obviousness deep have not been adequate to change my mind....

Well Enough Alone @ Midwest Conservative Journal (italics in original):

Rowan Williams almost had a good Christmas sermon this year. As might be expected, his theme was the Incarnation: ....

Sunshine Week: Your Right to Know @ Belmont Club:

A Belmont Club reader sent a link to the Associated Press Photo Managers site which contains guidance to editors on When to Run a Chilling Photo. The author, Naomi Halperin, begins by describing her reaction to a schoolteacher who balked at showing photographs of mutilated Americans hanging from the Fallujah bridge to her class....

It's Christmas Day: So what's the story? @ GetReligion:

Pick up the newspaper on a typical Christmas morning and you know that certain items are sure to be inside....

AP Admits Relationship With Terrorists @ Power Line:

We have written a couple of times about the accusations of complicity with terrorists in Iraq which were made recently by Belmont Club and others. The issue relates to the shocking photo, recently published by the AP, showing three terrorists in the act of murdering two Iraqi election workers on a street during daylight. The photographer was obviously within a few yards of the scene of the murder, which raises obvious questions, such as 1) what was the photographer doing there; did he have advance knowledge of the crime, or was he even accompanying the terrorists? and 2) why did the photographer apparently have no fear of the terrorists, or conversely, why were the terrorists evidently unconcerned about being photographed in the commission of a murder?...

Have yourself a merry (unbelieving) Christmas... @ The Social Affairs Unit:

Rev'd Dr Peter Mullen asks, how much of the Christmas story do many of the clergy actually believe?...

A Politically Correct Xmas Carol @ The Moderate Voice (embedded ellipsis in original):

Deck the halls with boughs of non-endangered plant species...
Fa la la la la la la la la...

Senatus Populusque Americae? @ Ales Rarus:

Readers of this blog may know the following things about me: ....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 01/01/05 03:07:49 PM
Categorized as Blogworthies.


Nice Start of the New Year

Today, a surprise donation to start off 2005. Thanks, Faithful Reader!

Also, some recent kind words from a fellow blogger:

I may have been an early pioneer... but you have mastered the genre with Blogworthies... and with a high bar for inclusion, to say the least. I enjoy your blog immensely and regularly.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Sat. 01/01/05 03:01:33 PM
Categorized as Blog Stuff.


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