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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Friday, January 07, 2005
"It Is So Your Business" Thanks to a reader for calling our attention to this article by Mary Kochan at Catholic Exchange, yesterday: Ever notice how when folks are getting married they make it everybody’s business? From announcements to bridal registries to showers to showing off the ring. From guest lists and invitations to bridesmaids to something borrowed — everybody is expected to get in on the act.... Here's the index to Kochan's articles at CE, which I should probably pay more attention to than I have been. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 01/07/05 10:09:08 PM |
So Why the Big Secret? A reader calls our attention to this revealing article at NewsMax, Dec. 25, 2004. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 01/07/05 09:58:00 PM |
Text of Inaugural Address of Wilmington Mayor James M. Baker It's here: .... When public safety is mentioned, many people think right away about the police. That means that if police cannot ‘fix’ the problems, then we are lost. If you think about it, most of us never saw a police officer, except on rare occasions, as we were growing up. Today, in high crime areas some people expect to see the police 24 hours a day. If we have no respect for the law or law enforcement, if we have abnormal relationships between neighbors, if we accept or condone criminal behavior or activity, even within our own families, and see it as part of a normal way of life, we are creating and cultivating fertile grounds for crime. The basis for the problems we are seeing today throughout the nation, with regard to crime, have their roots in a multitude of factors that include economics, education, social interactions, dysfunctional neighbors, families and communities, mental and physical health issues, the types of entertainment we enjoy or allow our children to be exposed to, much of it supported by the new technology, an absence of faith, a lack of substantive news reporting by the media leading to emotional or sensational stories about crime, and a lack of revenues which affect the delivery of services by law enforcement and government.... (Thanks, Winfield.) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 01/07/05 06:47:24 PM |
Democracy Project Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 01/07/05 05:52:11 PM |
The Dictionary of the History of Ideas Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas. At The Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia Library. (Thanks, Michael.) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 01/07/05 05:35:30 PM |
The Blog from the Core at Apologia William Luse quotes your Humble, Faithful Blogster, yesterday. See The Confession of Dositheus. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 01/07/05 08:24:35 AM |
The Long-Awaited, Much-Vaunted CBSGate Report? Rumors have it that the See also these. (Thanks, Charles.) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 01/07/05 08:03:05 AM |
Evolution News & Views The weblog of Discovery Institute. (Thanks, Jonathan.) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Fri. 01/07/05 07:44:17 AM |
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