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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thursday, January 13, 2005
"Should Episcopalians become Roman Catholics?" A truly astounding blog by Dr. Philip Blosser at Scripture and Catholic Tradition. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 01/13/05 06:59:04 PM |
Musings of a Pertinacious Papist (Thanks, Funky.) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 01/13/05 06:46:59 PM |
Sapor Sapientiae A brand, spanking new weblog. (Thanks, Funky.) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 01/13/05 06:35:42 PM |
Responses to the CBSgate The report is available here. Jonathan Last has a couple of articles at The Weekly Standard: The Power Liners, of course, have weighed in: Here's a transcript of an interview with Hindrocket. Here are some other bloggers' responses:
Don't miss these Cox & Forkum cartoons. Finally, Tony Blankley provides an informative perspective at WaTi, Jan. 12: .... The two greatest dangers to CBS coming out of the September 8 broadcast were that it would be found that they: 1) knowingly broadcast fraudulent Defense Department documents, and 2) were motivated to do so because they are biased against George Bush and the Republican Party. And it was on those two vital points that the Thornburgh Report failed to come to a conclusion. The report's concession of bad journalism merely conceded the undeniable. That fact had been apparent to most of the public and virtually all of the major news outlets by about September 10. Conceding bad journalism was merely a belated bow to undeniable reality. They couldn't possibly have conceded less than they did. But the "Independent Panel" provided one more service to CBS. It showed the report to CBS executives before it released it to the public. Thus CBS was given a public-relations crises management expert's dream the extraordinarily valuable opportunity of simultaneously announcing the report's findings and CBS's corporate response to the findings which was to fire key executives and producers below Mr. Rather. Thus, there was no headline this week stating that CBS admits documents were a fraud or caused by partisan bias. Instead, the headlines in papers as diverse as The New York Times, The Washington Times and The Washington Post were all the same: CBS fires 4. That headline was followed by the finding that CBS's journalistic standards had been deficient. As they say that's old news. The crisis has been defused. The damage has been limited. Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham LLP have earned every last penny of the undoubtedly huge legal/PR bill that is now, presumably, in the mail to CBS. Did CBS dodge a bullet? Not yet, they haven't. But the folks in mainstream media have been put on notice, again: the days are gone when they can rush something like this out the door and count on (1) almost nobody being able to dissect and analyze it quickly and (2) those who do dissect and analyze such things being unable to get their opinions seen & heard by a wide audience outside the control of mainstream media. BTW... if the memos were not fake, why was there any need to fire anybody? Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 01/13/05 05:50:03 PM |
Austin Bay Blog Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 01/13/05 07:39:18 AM |
The Counterterrorism Blog Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 01/13/05 07:35:37 AM |
Finally, the Best of the Web Today Catches Up With The Blog from the Core Here's a bit from James Taranto, Tuesday. Pay special attention to the last paragraph. + + + + + Dems in Bizarro WorldI From USA Today's Jill Lawrence, here is the most laughably partisan piece of reporting we've seen since the election:
It seems Jill Lawrence was in Bhutan all last year when the Democrats were busy calling President Bush a liar, a moron, a coward, a military deserter, a puppet of Dick Cheney and the Jews, and another Hitler. What are they going to say if they "get the stomach" to wage character attacksthat he's the original Hitler? This is the sort of thing that drives conservatives crazy, but it actually illustrates why the liberal media are the Republicans' secret weapon. The Democrats are the victim of their own con game. They put out the most outrageous spin, which reporters like Lawrence dutifully regurgitate, and then Dems believe it because, hey, the "objective" media have reported it! It's as if Communist Party functionaries actually believed what was "reported" in the old Pravda. + + + + + This is the sort of thing that drives conservatives crazy, but it actually illustrates why the liberal media are the Republicans' secret weapon. The Democrats are the victim of their own con game. Where have you seen something like that before, Faithful Reader? Well, if you've been paying attention and you have been paying attention, right? you saw it here at The Blog all last year: Core's Law of Old Media: We see the Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode partly because America's liberals believe their own lying propaganda. In fact, you could have read it here almost a year ago, in Podhoretz Nails It (Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode CXLIV): .... I think we need a new law. How about Core's Law of Old Media? We see the Democrats in Self-Destruct Mode partly because America's liberals believe their own lying propaganda. P.S. If you would care to alert them to having been beaten to the punch here by nearly a year, I wouldn't stop you, even if I could. :-) Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 01/13/05 07:13:03 AM |
Re: Nice Start of Another New Year Late in the day Monday, I got another great surprise birthday present. Accumulated donations to The Blog will now cover my Internet expenses through March. Thanks, Faithful Reader! BTW, I know I've not been quite up to snuff lately. If you really need a daily dose, make sure to go back and check the daily archives from this time last year: they are easily available through the links after The Daily Roll at the end of each day on the main page. (Once you get back into the daily & weekly archives, you can go from day to day, or from week to week, by using the Previous and Next links at the bottom of each page.) How quaint to read now that the Democratic race was shaping up then as a neck-and-neck horse race. Between Howard Dean. And Wesley Clark. Lane Core Jr. CIW P Thu. 01/13/05 06:38:49 AM |
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