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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Fri. 01/14/05 07:55:49 AM

Re: CBSgate Coverup Whitewash Report

A reader writes:

My take is that, like the MSM itself, this panel seemed to think that there are some things that are untouchable re: any reflection on the nature of the "news business." And leading that list is the fact of political bias. I think that one of the things about the blogosphere that drives the MSM types nuts is that bloggers are not shy, and see no reason to be shy, about revealing their political and ideological leanings. The great advantage of this is that bloggers and their commentators are free to argue their viewpoints in a natural and honest way, free of the strain of masquerading their biases and prejudices as some higher plane of "objective" truth. In this way, truth can be wooed and won rather than taken for granted as one's institutional due. What matters in the end in convincing someone of something is not the purity of one's intentions but the force and reasonable of one's arguments. It seems that in the arrogance of their heyday, the MSM folks forgot this in their desire to rule or "form" opinion rather than inform it.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Fri. 01/14/05 07:55:49 AM
Categorized as Media.


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