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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 01/25/05 08:09:08 AM


Random Poetry List IV


The small wind whispers through the leafless hedge
   Most sharp and chill, where the light snowy flakes
Rest on each twig and spike of withered sedge,
   Resembling scattered feathers; — vainly breaks
The pale split sunbeam through the frowning cloud,
   On Winter's frowns below — from day to day
Unmelted still he spreads his hoary shroud,
   In dithering pride on the pale traveler's way,
Who, croodling, hastens from the storm behind
Fast gathering deep and black, again to find
   His cottage-fire and corner's sheltering bounds;
Where, haply, such uncomfortable days
   Make musical the wood-sap's frizzling sounds,
And hoarse loud bellows puffing up the blaze.

John Clare (English, 1793-1864)

Originally e-mailed on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 @ 9:13 PM.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 01/25/05 08:09:08 AM
Categorized as Literary & Random Poetry List.


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