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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Mon. 01/31/05 07:41:10 AM

Nation Unto Nation Calls, From Generation to Generation

"In Honour of America".

It has been widely reported, whether jubilantly or grudgingly, that the Iraqi people turned out overwhelmingly for the election, and did so with courage, dignity, and rejoicing.

Though many more remain to be hammered in, this is indeed one more nail in the coffin of despots and terrorists everywhere. And, believe you me, they know it.

Against the Grain has a fantastic roundup of commentary. And Power Line has some great photos.

She Voted
She Voted

Over the weekend, I came across a poem that seems just right for this day. Celebrating the entrance of America into World War I, it was written by the Catholic poet Alice Meynell. Though the year and the numbers are different now, the spirit is the same, I think.

In Honour of America, 1917

Not that the earth is changing, O my God!
   Not that her brave democracies take heart
   To share, to rule her treasure, to impart
The wine to those who long the wine-press trod;
Not therefore trust we that beneath Thy nod,
   Thy silent benediction, even now
   In gratitude so many nations bow,
So many poor: not therefore, O my God!

But because living men for dying man
   Go to a million deaths, to deal one blow;
   And justice speaks one great compassionate tongue;
And nation unto nation calls "One clan
   We succourers are, one tribe!" By this we know
Our earth holds confident, steadfast, being young.

Alice Meynell

Almost a century intervenes, but America and her fighting men have answered again the call to justice.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 01/31/05 07:41:10 AM
Categorized as International & Literary & Photos.


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