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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tue. 02/01/05 07:02:56 AM

The Faces of the Democratic Party 2005-2006?

I apologize for having been a bit slow on the uptake lately. I didn't realize at the time that Chappaquiddick Fats... er... I mean the old fart senior socialist senator from the great state of Gaymarriagechusetts Massachusetts was counting on catastrophe in the Iraqi elections.

So was somebody else. That would be the Man from Mope... er... I mean the junior socialist senator from the great state of Gaymarriagechusetts Massachusetts, John "F" Kerry. Why else would he have appeared with Tim Russert on Meet the Press, this past Sunday morning? He (and Russert?) were planning on gloating, no?

Moreover, we find out that Doctor Howard "Cliff" Dean hates Republicans. It seems, too, that he is poised to become the new chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

At a critical turning point in the history of the human race, some of the most visible Democrats are (1) two old-guard politicians who were counting on catastrophe and (2) a new-guard politician who hates the political party responsible for the success. And two of the three were actually big-time losers in the last election cycle.

It looks to me as if the countdown to the 2006 general election is over before it's begun.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 02/01/05 07:02:56 AM
Categorized as Political.


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