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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Thu. 02/10/05 07:35:25 AM

"The Berlin Wall's Revenge"

Sometimes, one comes across a blog that is so profound and illuminating it merits an extraordinary notice all its own. (For instance.) For those, I am inaugurating a new category at The Blog from the Core: More Than Blogworthy.

Though I may add already existing entries as time goes by, here is the new category's first entry: Nelson Acher's blog at EuroPundits, Tuesday:

.... This newly ever-growing Western left, not only in Europe, but in Latin America and even in the US itself, has a clear goal: the destruction of the country and society that vanquished its dreams fifteen years ago. But it does not have, as in the old days of the Soviet Union, the hard power to accomplish this by itself. Thanks to this, all our leftist friends’ bets are now on radical Islam. What can they do to help it? Answer: tie down America’s superior strength with a million Liliputian ropes: legal ones, political ones, with propaganda and disinformation etc. Anything and everything will do.
In the same way as the murderers of 911 used the West’s technology against itself, the contemporary left will do its best to turn democracy into a suicidal pact. This is already being done, obviously. The fight for Guantanamo Bay is, in many ways, as important as that for Baghdad. And, whenever a British born terrorist is released and sent back to the UK, to be joyfully acclaimed by the pages of “The Guardian”, “The Independent” or through the waves of the BBC, that fight is being lost. Radical Islam is being given one more tactical victory and the left’s strategy is being vindicated.
There has been some talk recently about the probable inevitability of a nuclear attack on the mainland US in, say, the next ten or fifteen years. The Berlin Wall’s orphans are already busy creating the slogans, formulating the dogmas, writing down the articles and books that will allow them, when the worst happens, to lay all the blame on the victims, making retaliation as difficult as it can be. They’re carefully preparing their case and the court is already in session.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Thu. 02/10/05 07:35:25 AM
Categorized as More Than Blogworthy.


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