The Weblog at The View from the Core - Sat. 02/19/05 07:14:50 AM
Blogworthies LIV Because The Blog from the Core simply can't cover everything. Noteworthy entries @ Posse Incitatus, Captain's Quarters, Vodkapundit, Catholic Analysis, Iowahawk, Evolution News & Views, The Corner, Clueless Christian, JustOneMinute, Dust in the Light, Wittingshire, The Curt Jester, Armavirumque,, PressThink, Mere Comments,, Discriminations, cut on the bias, The Mudville Gazette, JustOneMinute (again), and Power Line. Burning Summers at the stake @ Posse Incitatus: Many pixels spilled over at The Corner in regard to the ongoing show-trial of Harvard President Lawrence Summers. Jonah Goldberg in particular can't help but shake his head in amazement at the furor over what are in fact rather innocuous remarks. The Posse will not venture to compare the differing definitions of "free speech" as they are applied to Summers vs Ward Churchill, but rather we will venture to explain to Jonah why it is that Summers is singled out for particular ire.... A Love Note Or An Olive Branch? @ Captain's Quarters: Peggy Noonan issues a love note to the blogosphere in today's WSJ/OpinionJournal, one that appears to intend either a counterpoint to the two successive dismissals issued by WSJ editors this past week or as an olive branch: .... The Party Is Over/Just Getting Started @ Vodkapundit: .... Am I some sort of speed-reading Superman? Am I paying exorbitant fees to my trash collectors for picking up a couple thousand pounds of paper each week? Do I have psychic powers? No, not at all. There's nothing special about me; I'm just a guy with an internet connection. Well, that and I know what a blog is.... A Faithful Layman Makes Up For a Confused Cleric @ Catholic Analysis: Everyone in the Detroit area knows that the daily Detroit Free Press is reliably liberal. But I must give due credit to the paper for publishing a column by Peter J. Cataldo, reseach director for the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. The Feb. 15th column is the clearest exposé that I have seen of the distortions surrounding stem cell research.... Trash Bin Triple Feature @ IowaHawk (brackets in original): [ed.: Boy howdy, has my crack network of dumpster divers been busy this morning having located no fewer than three first drafts of recent offerings from The Wall Street Journal, MSNBC and the Columbia Journalism Review.] .... Darwinists Prove Computers Work! @ Evolution News & Views: In a recent post at The Corner, John Derbyshire wrote that "we are actually quite close to a point where we CAN do evolution in the lab." To make his point, Derbyshire cited an article by Carl Zimmer in the February, 2005, issue of *Discover* Magazine: "Testing Darwin: Scientists at Michigan State University Prove Evolution Works." We don't buy it. Discovery fellow (and Ph.D. biologist) Jonathan Wells found the claims in Zimmer's article laughable, and he was moved to write a satirical review that we are posting here. Although the tone is tongue-in-cheek, the quotes from Zimmer's article are real, as is the force of Wells' argument.... I just received an account from a very sharp reader on an important symposium held recently at the American Enterprise Institute on the problem of political bias on our college campuses. Here's his report: .... How I came to the Catholic Faith @ Clueless Christian: .... My last Episcopal parish had an extremely liberal rector. I had been there six months when I realized that my children (then aged 5 and 12) were being taught gay/feminist theology during Sunday school. Previous experience had convinced me that any appeal to either rector or bishop would be pointless and humiliating, so it seemed clear to me that my children would need a different parish, whether I remained Episcopalian or not.... Battle For The Blogosphere @ JustOneMinute: How The Lefty Blogs Can Win The Blogosphere, Revive Their Party, And Save Our Country (And Why They Won't).... Being the Marrying Kind @ Dust in the Light: What does it mean to say that marriage "should precede governmental authority"? From opponents of same-sex marriage, it usually means that the government should adhere to the definition of marriage that filtered to it over the ages. In John Coleman's hands, writing in Reason, it's closer to an argument for same-sex marriage on the sly: .... Marriage: Don't Look Back @ Wittingshire: Sometimes I wonder: When people don't believe marriage is morally, legally, or socially necessary, why do they marry? If they go into marriage feeling free to divorce for any reason or no reason, what's the point of marrying? What does marriage mean to those for whom it has no meaning?... Swiss Miss-information @ The Curt Jester: In a story last week in The Tablet. Lay sermons permitted, Vatican tells Swiss bishops. Proposals by Swiss bishops to allow lay theologians to give sermons and Protestants to receive Communion have met with the approval of the Curia in Rome, Bishop Amédée Grab, president of the Swiss bishops' conference, said this week. I was highly skeptical of this story when I saw it and figured I would not have to wait too long to see it debunked.... How do you spell "double standard"? @ Armavirumque: Well, look at the U.N. Remember the oil-for-food scandal? If it doesn't figure prominently in your consciousness, it's because, despite the valiant efforts of some talented journalists, it just didn't have traction with the Mainstream Media: The New York Times, Reuters, CBS, CNN, the BBC, their epigones and offshoots, little brothers, cousins and imitators. Now, the oil-for-food scandal was the largest humanitarian aid scandal in history. The last time I checked, we were talking about $111 billion. Halliburton loses a requisition form for a truckload of gasoline and the MSM is all over it 24/7: "scandal," "corruption," "crisis," etc. (Do you want to know the real scoop? Check out Byron York's piece "Halliburton: The Bush/Iraq Scandal that Wasn't.") It's the same with the U.N. Sex Scandal. You remember: U.N. staffers in Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and the Congo preyed on refugees. Pedophilia. Rape. Prostitution. Sure, it's reported. Heads wag. But where's the "flood the zone reporting" that would be brought to bear were some unanointed organization involved?... Reaping the Whirlwind @ In the wake of the Eason Jordan resignation, the MSM is all atwitter. Even the usually solid WSJ editorial board is acting like it was the recipient of a collective atomic wedgie. (For a specific critique of the WSJ editorial, see my post The WSJ's Apologia for Eason Jordan.) I've been thinking about all this a bit today, and have finally concluded that the MSM is now reaping what they helped sow.... Closing Thoughts on the Resignation of Eason Jordan @ PressThink: I don't think he should have resigned. I don't know why he did. Neither the public overlooking this sad event, nor the participants in it know why Eason Jordan quit. No reasons have been given, beyond saving CNN the trouble of a controversy.... Weekend at the Monastery @ Mere Comments: I spent the weekend, along with my wife and 14-year-old son, at a monastery of Romanian (and American) Orthodox nuns in Michigan. This is our third such weekend retreat in February of the last three years. While at the monastery one may participate in the common hours of prayer as observed in the chapel with the nuns to the extent one wishes and is able to. The services taken together are not brief, and to embrace any portion of the prayer life ample enough to make such a retreat worthwhile, I think, means losing consciousness of time.... More on the media @ I must admit that I love it when people cite Media Matters for America as a source of unbiased information. Most times, when a journalist admits that he or she has been a liar, they disappear from the radar. You don't see Janet Cooke, Jayson Blair or Jack Kelley running a media criticism Web site.... Ackerman Attacks (Neo) Conservative Judges @ Discriminations: .... At the heart of Ackerman's screed is his distinction between Good Conservatives (the traditional kind, the ones who frequently vote with liberals) and the new Bad Conservatives, who are "revolutionary." .... Derivative imagery and art @ cut on the bias: I'm not a graphic artist, and I've known that for a while. By "artist", I mean someone who can visualize completely new things, draw them and put them together in a wonderful new way. I can't draw - small children laugh hysterically at my stick figures. I struggle with coming up with something new. It makes my head hurt. A lot.... Targeting Journalists @ The Mudville Gazette (italics in original): Milblogger meets reporter: The Mudville Gazette presents an online dialog on the topic of military targeting of journalists with Jules Crittenden of the Boston Herald. Opinions expressed are those of the individuals stating them, who should not be construed as representing any groups, organizations or third parties. Likewise no endorsement of comments herein by such groups is expressed or implied.... Taking The Icy Plunge @ JustOneMinute: The NY Times delivers a comedy classic as it attempts to explain to its readers that a prominent CNN executive has resigned under fire: .... Remembering Mr. Lincoln @ Power Line: Today is the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth. I've been studying Lincoln's life and speeches in reverent awe for over thirty years. Five years ago Rocket Man and I picked up one thread in Lincoln's life that led to the most famous of the cases he tried as a practicing lawyer: "A genius for friendship." In that piece, we note that Lincoln was America's indispensable teacher of the moral ground of political freedom at the exact moment when the country was on the threshold of abandoning what he called its "ancient faith" that all men are created equal. Here is one example of how he did it one that we usually run on July 4 teaching the eternal meaning of Independence Day to Americans.... Lane Core Jr. CIW P Sat. 02/19/05 07:14:50 AM |
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