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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Bud Cope and St. Dismas Prison Ministry

The Tribune-Review has a couple of articles by Dorothy Yagodich, Sunday, about an old friend of the family, Harry W. Cope, and the Holy Name Society's prison ministry he was instrumental in founding. First, Monessen man reaches out to prisoners:

Prison inmates are finding hope from St. Dismas Prison Ministry, a nonprofit organization devoted to the "ministry of reconciliation."
In the past 23 years, the ministry has covered 22 federal, state, county and juvenile prisons in Pennsylvania. This includes prisons in Westmoreland, Somerset and Fayette counties.
St. Dismas Prison Ministry hosts metanoia retreats for "change of heart or conversion," according to its founder and national chairman, Harry "Bud" Cope, a Monessen resident....

Harry Cope reviews the St. Dismas Prison Ministry program with his wife, Mary. Dorothy Yagodich/For the Tribune-Review.
Bud and Mary Cope

Second, Couple vows to continue ministry:

Harry "Bud" Cope was born in Fairhope and eventually married Mary Fayak, of Monessen.
The couple has four children, Harry, Richard, Kathleen and Timothy. They mark 56 years of marriage and have 15 grandchildren.
Cope, 76, began his business career as an assistant manager with a local G.C. Murphy Co. store. Then he spent the next 26 years working for Potter-McCune corporate food chain.
"I left Potter-McCune in 1980 and then formed JMJ (Jesus, Mary and Joseph) Consultants," he said....

Bud is from a Quaker family that converted when he was a child. He and my Dad have been friends since they were little boys growing up in Long Branch, Pennsylvania, and they worked with each other at Potter-McCune for 20 years or so. In fact, my sister and I still call him Uncle Bud.

I played a small role at the beginning of St. Dismas. Uncle Bud needed a paper to present to the Holy Name Society with his idea for the prison ministry, and I wrote that for him. And the retreat is called Metanoia because he didn't have a name for it at the time, and I thought that I needed a name when I was writing his proposal. So, I decided to call it Metanoia, just temporarily for my own purposes, but he liked it and decided to stick with it.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 03/08/05 05:38:53 PM
Categorized as Religious.


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Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Tue. 03/08/05 07:20:01 AM
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