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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Monday, March 14, 2005

I've Become Esteemed

I'm not quite sure when, or how, that happened.

Thanks to The Curt Jester for calling our attention to this Miami Herald article by Alexandra Alter, Mar. 12, in which your Humble, Faithful Blogster is mentioned very kindly:

.... For some bloggers, however, silence carries the most powerful Lenten message.
In a post titled ''Blogstinence 2005,'' Christian blogger Lane Core (esteemed author of alerted his fans that he will not be blogging on Fridays during Lent. Blogsters Mark Shea mark and Peter Nixon ( regularly renounce their blogs for Lent, while Welborn, one of the guiding stars of the Catholic blogosphere, says many of her regular readers and commentators drop off during Lent.
''My intuition even as an addicted blogger is that people who give up blogging and looking at blogs for Lent are probably right,'' said Welborn, who posts suggested Lenten readings on her blog. "During Lent our call is to look at what is coming between God and us. If blogging and reading blogs is helpful, that's fantastic, but I think heavy Internet users would do well to consider whether we're using the blogs or whether we're being used by them.''

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/14/05 05:58:10 PM
Categorized as Blog Stuff.


dave's not here

He's blogging from Iraq.


P.S. I guess The Blog from the Core is a Blob Blog, too. :-)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/14/05 05:41:34 PM
Categorized as Blogosphere Stuff.

A legal weblog, though it appears to decline to call itself a weblog.

Like David Frum's "Diary"?


Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/14/05 05:33:42 PM
Categorized as Blogosphere Stuff.


Trusting in the Passion of Christ?

Ven. Louis of Granada, O.P.

Thanks to Mark for sending this along.

But now we come to the consideration of a point that is very lamentable, namely, the perversity of the human heart which, even as it relies on this great virtue of hope, nevertheless perseveres in its sin. If you were to ask any of these shameless people how they can hope to be saved, they will reply that they will be saved through faith in Christ and hope in His sacred passion. Christ's passion is truly the greatest stimulus to hope and the greatest motive for fear of God, but these wicked persons pervert it and make it an excuse for continuing their sin, when in reality it is supposed to make souls love and serve God. This has been and continues to be one of the greatest deceptions of the devil, who strives to compete by his evil ways against the greatness of God's goodness. God manifests His great goodness by drawing good out of evil, but the devil endeavors to make even good things serve an evil purpose. Thus, he makes Scripture, which was given to us for the enlightenment and government of our life, a source of error and perversion for heretics, distorting the divine words in order to use them as a basis for his lies. So also, he has craftily used the divine mystery of the Cross as an excuse for sin. All men, however evil they may be, desire to be saved, even when they refuse to enter upon the path of virtue. But these evil men have looked upon the Cross for consolation and sometimes have used it as an excuse for their evil deeds, saying that Christ has already atoned for them. It is as if one were to say that the Son of God came down to earth and suffered in order that men might become evil and slothful and enemies of every virtuous work.
Since Scripture declares that the remedy for our spiritual health consists in the performance of good works and that our perdition lies in the performance of evil deeds, how is it possible that the devil can blind the intellects of so many men so that they believe that merely by trusting in the passion of Christ and without putting their hand to the plough, they can hope to be saved? (Summa of the Christian Life, Volume 2, Chapter 20)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/14/05 08:10:43 AM
Categorized as Religious.


Spring is About to Spring

I'm ready already.

Opening Crocuses in Neighbor's Yard, Sunday, March 13, 2005
Opening Crocuses in Neighbor's Yard, Sunday, March 13, 2005


Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/14/05 07:44:04 AM
Categorized as Photos.


"Leaving Open the Yes-or-No Question"

Our friend Justin Katz has a guest column at

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/14/05 07:17:01 AM
Categorized as Social/Cultural.


"Mel Gibson Joins Fight For Terri: A Summary of Recent Events"

Thanks to Margaret for notice of this round-up, Saturday, of the latest concerning Terri Schindler Schiavo:

Inside the Vatican magazine has reported that "Mr. Robert Schindler the father of Terri Schiavo spoke to Mel Gibson on the afternoon of Friday March 11 2005."
The report states: "The film star and director/producer of The Passion of the Christ has released a statement to the March 12, 2005 Rally organizers in Florida on behalf of Terri Schiavo as follows: 'I fully support the efforts of Mr. & Mrs. Schindler to save their daughter, Terri Schiavo, from a cruel starvation. Terri's husband should sign the care of his wife over to her parents so she can be properly cared for.'"
In additon to Gibson, countless people around the United States and even around the globe are weighing in to save Terri Schiavo from a March 18th date with starvation.
Within the Catholic Church, cardinals and bishops from Rome to Baltimore to Tallahasee have decried the pending removal of the 41-year-old disabled Florida woman’s feeding tube. Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life started a novena for Terri Schiavo and urged Americans to write their Congressional representatives in support of legislation pending in Washington, D.C. and in Tallahasee, Fla.
Cardinal William Keeler, chairman for the U.S. Bishops Committee for Pro-Life Activity, said on March 9th that it was "morally obligatory" to provide food and water to Terri Schiavo.
"The case of Terri Schindler Schiavo in Florida," wrote Cardinal Keeler, "has focused national attention on the plight of patients diagnosed as being in a 'vegetative' state." However, it has been argued by Terri's parents and supporters for Terri Schiavo that she is not, in fact, in a vegetative state, but a minimally conscious state....

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/14/05 07:04:02 AM
Categorized as Terri Schindler Schiavo.


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