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The Weblog at The View from the Core - Monday, March 28, 2005

"Naught's Solved by War?"

A poem from our favorite Screaming Eagle poet.

Naught's Solved by War?

A flickering dawn lights Islam's hills,
A faint emerging light.
Can the torch of Lady Liberty
Flare away Medieval night?
How fitting our bold symbol
Of all that's good and right,
Eyewitness to the Jihad's wrath,
Stands forefront in this fight.

Her torch is not mere sculpted bronze,
To those in Mullahs' chain's;
But a lamp held high against the sky
Showing them that hope remains.
Their feudal sheiks view us with scorn,
So obsessed with earthly pleasure;
But one thing they fear that we hold dear,
Is that Bill of Rights we treasure.

We drove a tyrant from his throne,
Brought his people free election.
Think it concerns them overmuch,
WMDs escaped detection?
Just behold those blue-stained fingers,
Like the Lady's torch, held high,
So proud of their brave turnout,
Putting Liberals to the lie.

How say you now Nay Sayers?
What of your dire predictions?
Like fools you swore naught's solved by war,
Another of your Liberal fictions.
But now you face a hard clear truth:
A truth that you forswore:
This aborning Bush Democracy
Was midwifed by his war.

Within the womb of Islam,
Freedom's heart so feebly beats.
Is it up us to make it thrive,
To birth it their streets?
What say you disbelieving Libs,
How now shall this thing go?
Shall we execute your exit plan,
Or stay and help it grow?

Russ Vaughn
2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment
101st Airborne Division
Vietnam 65-66

See also these.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/28/05 09:22:04 PM
Categorized as International & Literary & Political.


"Before You Thought of Spring"

Random Poetry List XVIII

Before You Thought of Spring

Before you thought of Spring
Except as a Surmise
You see—God bless his suddenness—
A Fellow in the Skies
Of independent Hues
A little weather worn
Inspiriting habiliments
Of Indigo and Brown—
With specimens of Song
As if for you to choose—
Discretion in the interval
With gay delays he goes
To some superior Tree
Without a single Leaf
And shouts for joy to Nobody
But his seraphic self—

Emily Dickinson (American, AD 1830-1886)

Originally e-mailed on Sunday, March 28, 1999 @ 7:08 PM.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/28/05 09:16:56 PM
Categorized as Literary & Random Poetry List.


Terri's Passion

Readers write.

First, from John:

I am sad to my bones about this mess. I know that there must be people starving to death some place in this world every day, usually as the result of evil and corruption at work in their governments. But it seems to me that for some reason of His own, Terri has been chosen by God to represent in a very stark way much that is evil and corrupt in our own land. That this is happening during Holy Week when we are to meditate on our Lord's Passion and death is no coincidence. Just as He was railroaded by the courts of his day and denied justice and condemned, though known to be innocent, to a painful and shameful death, so this poor woman, whose only crime was to marry a selfish jerk, is condemned to a slow and agonizing death by the very legal system instituted to protect her rights. I don't know how this will work out, but I know that all the prayers and fasting done in Terri's behalf are not in vain, and that Almighty God will work some great good out of this unfolding tragedy.
O Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us!

Now, from Margaret:

Why haven't we had thundering from our pulpits about the new and fun policy just created of "Pulling the Tube?" Again, the silence is deafening from our local churches. This should be a teaching moment about human life and the forces marshalled against it. If the Church were really committed to human life, it could have marshalled millions of Catholics to pressure our leaders to act on Terri's behalf.
Instead we weep over Jesus' death from unjust laws and the cries of the ignorant crowd while a slower and crueler death is being carried out on "one of the least of my brothers" and not a peep from our pastors. Her bishop wanted the warring family members to mediate their dispute. Where is the middle ground between life and death?
At minimum, you would think Jeb Bush could order an autopsy on her body to try to determine the cause of her collapse. Isn't there a small, fragile bone in the neck that breaks when someone is strangled? Wouldn't it be good to know that this was not the cause of her collapse? Wouldn't you think that Michael Schiavo would want to know and/or demonstrate that?

I think our pastors have been largely silent because, I'm sorry to say, they are getting their information, and thereby informing their judgement, from mainstream media. You know, from the folks who say Terri is a comatose, brain-dead zucchini.

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/28/05 09:12:16 PM
Categorized as Terri Schindler Schiavo.


The Immigration Blog

A brand, spanking new weblog.


(Thanks, Michelle.)

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/28/05 08:44:45 PM
Categorized as Blogosphere Stuff.



Sermons by Ven. John Henry Newman, D.D.




Trinity Sunday

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/28/05 07:19:56 AM
Categorized as Religious & Speeches and Suchlike.


The Schiavo Verdict

The winners are lawyers, experts, and men.

But we are all losers, really.

The results are in.

  1. Judicial supremacy — rather than the alleged checks-and-balances of separate-but-equal branches of our democratic, republican system — has been confirmed: nobody in power anywhere found any way — or should I say any will? — to break through the circled wagons of the black-robed lawyers. The founders of our nation would be appalled at what we have allowed to happen to our government(s).

    Appalled? Sure. But maybe not surprised.

  2. Experts chimed in, as if on cue, to let us know that starvation and thirst lead to an easy, peaceful death. One wonders why, then, in several jurisdictions around the country, farmers and ranchers are in various stages of prosecution for having starved people cattle to death. And the Donner party, we may surmise, didn't know how lucky they had gotten.

    These experts, one must assume, actually thought that we would believe such claptrap. And mainstream media was more than willing to allow the proponents of Easy Death By Starvation And Dehydration a venue, without providing the same venue to contrary voices.

    One is tempted to think that crap like Starve Yourself Into Bliss is so obviously crap that even reporters and editors know it doesn't need to be rebutted. One must wonder, then, wonder very much, why it was presented in the first place.

  3. Three or four decades of Women's Lib feminism cultural Marxism have finally obliterated the feminine voice. I don't mean just that Michael Schiavo is being allowed to kill his wife while his partner in adultery and the mother of his children waits to take Terri's place. (Hey, Jodie Centonze, here's my advice to you: Don't ever get really sick.)

    I mean that the medical professionals — doctors — who actually spent some time (sometimes very little time) with Terri Schindler Schiavo and pronounced her an unusually large zucchini are men; the medical professionals — nurses — who actually spent some time (sometimes very much time) with her and pronounced her a living, aware, responsive human being are women, whose word apparently doesn't count for much, if anything at all.

    Betty Friedan, call your office.

  4. Finally, whatever person(s) first came up with the detestable phrase "persistent vegetative state" must have done so out of hatred for the human race, trying to come up with as many excuses as possible to kill people.

The Weekly Standard now has quite a few good articles on the Schiavo case, including these:

Lane Core Jr. CIW P — Mon. 03/28/05 07:05:19 AM
Categorized as Political & Social/Cultural & Terri Schindler Schiavo.


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